  • 學位論文


Identification and Anonymisation of Personal Data-A Study of EU and UK law

指導教授 : 江耀國


由於網路科技日新月異,整體網路環境快速變遷。大數據以及政府開放資料的應用,活化了個人資料的利用。但在個人資料利用的同時,面臨個人資料隱私可能被侵害的問題。因此,如何在個人資料隱私保護與資料合理利用間達到平衡,是個人資料處理的重要課題之一。 目前的實務作法是個人資料去識別化。將個人資料以掩蓋、去除、假名化或其他匿名方式處理,讓資料無從辨識特定個人,降低個人資料隱私侵害的疑慮。但不完全的去識別資料仍然存在著資料當事人再識別的風險,造成當事人的損害。 據此,探討去識別之規定、運用以及如何預防資料再識別等,是本文所要研究的問題。個人資料之處理以個人資料為核心,界定個人資料去識別化之標準前須先了解個人資料之定義及識別。因此,本文加以討論個人資料之定義與識別。 個人資料去識別化於外國法制早已有相關規定且累積豐富的討論經驗。相較之下,我國對於去識別化之議題處於剛起步之階段。我國法院處理個人資料去識別化所產生之爭議,也未有一套標準。故本文以個人資料之識別與去識別為討論重點,並且分析評論我國衛生福利部中央健康保險署案。整理歸納歐盟及英國之立法規定及實務經驗,以供我國借鏡。


Nowadays, because of the improvement of internet technology and so does the internet changed rapidly. The application of Big data and Open data has activated the use in personal data. But when the use in personal data, it will face the problem that the privacy of personal data may be violated. Therefore, how to achieve a balance between privacy protection of personal data and reuse of data lawfully is one of the important problem in processing personal data. The contemporary practice which is working on is personal data rendered anonymous. To process the personal data with mask、remove、Pseudonymisation or other anonymous methods, result in the individual that make it hard to be recognized from the data. Accogdingly , make it possible to decrease the risk of the privacy violating. However, there are still exist a risk of re-identify data subject without perfect anonymisation data, caused damage for data subject. On these grounds, discussing the legal rule and application of Anonymisation and how to prevent re-identification from data is the research porpose in the master's thesis. Moreover, personal data is at the centre of processing personal data. Before we define the criteria of Anonymisation, we must be comprehend the definition and identification of personal data. As a result, this thesis is about to talk about the definition and identification of personal data especially. Anonymizing personal data in foreign legislation already had some relevant provisions and had accumulate experience that had been discussed. On the contrary, the issue of Anonymisation in our country just in the fledging stage. There is no standard about dispute on Anonymisation of personal data in our court. Consequently, this thesis will focus on identification and Anonymisation of personal data. Analyze and comment on case of National Health Insurance Administration. To summarize the legal legislation and practical experience in EU and UK for us to learn


