  • 學位論文

兒童華語文全智能教材教法研究 -以以色列在家學習者學習者為例

Multi intelligence children’s Chinese curriculum design and teaching methodology Experimented in Israel with homeschooled students

指導教授 : 彭妮絲


摘要   成功的語言教學,需要很多重複練習,但是重複練習會讓學習者感到無聊無趣,在本研究中,研究者以在亞洲20多年的語言(英語)教學經驗為基礎,研發一個漢語全智能,有趣的教學教材及教法,並將此教材及教法運用在以色列教在家學習者的學習者。 在家學習者的學習者是一群有其特色的學習者,教他們後發現,中文教學可以運用這些教英語的方法,但是要做一些改變。以色列家庭學習者很喜歡這種課程,也很成功地在不知不覺中成功的學習。在這個個案研究裡使用幾個方式評估。測驗(課程後面,和一個小時後,問卷,家長意見(觀課情形和學習者家在家裡對中文的反應),以及學習者自己的反應。   總共有43 個學習者,年齡範圍:4歲半-15歲,總共三組,在兩個不同地點,第一組RMY組-平均年齡是8.15 共有十一位,第二組RMO 組平均年齡10.92共有十三位,第三組AF組平均年齡9.48 有十六-十九個人,因為不是所有學習者一直參加,課程和測驗,課程內容主要以教語言和文化課程為主,試驗後將所有課程做了一些改變,研發成一個齊全、好玩、有效率的兒童全智能教材。


Abstract In order to teach languages successfully a lot of repetition is needed ,however, a lot of repetition causes boredome and lack of interest.The reseacher has developed ,based on 20 years of English teaching experience,a multi intelligence system for teaching Chinese to young learners ,which includes curriculum and teaching methodologies. The system was proven to be fun and interesting for students of Chinese. It was experimented in Israel with Israeli home schooled students. The class included instruction in Chinese languge and Culture. It was assessed using tests of material learned , as well as questionnaires filled by parents and students . Total of 43 participants with age ranging from 4.5-15 ,3 groups in 2 different locations After trials changes were made to to overcome the flaws in curriculum and methodologies


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