  • 學位論文


TRIZ Analysis to New Product Development Direction of Smart Car

指導教授 : 陳筱琪 蔡文鈞


近年來,智慧車的發展日益迅速,開始有越來越多的民眾在選購汽車新產品時將智慧車列為優先的考量,從2015年的IEK報告中便可以看出會有這樣的發展其實並非偶然,對於智慧車來說,其最為重要的便是先進駕駛輔助系統,而此系統在各區域市場的需求量是每年都逐步向上攀升的。因此,許多知名的傳統車廠如:BMW、Benz、豐田或是新興車廠中的Tesla、比亞迪等企業都開始針對智慧車的相關技術有一定程度的關注與發展,甚至連IT業界的龍頭Google與Apple公司也預定跟上這一波新的趨勢與車廠們進行異業的結盟,期望找到智慧車新產品在開發時的方向並打造出屬於自己的智慧車新產品,藉此搶佔這個未來具有高度發展潛力的新市場。 智慧車發展至今,藉由先進駕駛輔助系統的協助已達到半自動駕駛的階段,為探討智慧車新產品未來可能開發和演進的方向,本研究以TRIZ創新問題解決理論做為主要的研究工具,使用其中二項方法,分別是九宮格思考法以及演化法,再輔以深度訪談的方式,並以汽車等相關廠商作為研究的對象,藉此來深入了解目前汽車產業中的想法,進而推論出本研究想獲得的答案。 本研究透過訪談的方式來得到未來可能發展的相關資訊,隨後將其內容進行整理,帶入進九宮格思考法與演化法中,發現在智慧車新產品的開發方向上,未來會朝向全自動化無人駕駛的方向前進,最主要的原因就在於「民眾對於安全意識的抬頭」、「先進駕駛輔助系統的普及」和「車聯網系統與感應辨識技術的成熟」,在這三項要素的影響之下自動化的趨勢已是各大車廠對於未來新產品在開發時重要的發展方向。另外,從自動化發展的趨勢來看,未來各大車廠在做智慧車新產品開發時,需具備有「資金」、「技術研發團隊」與「政府」這三項資源的配合,透由這三項資源的結合才能使車聯網系統以及先進駕駛輔助系統等研發技術變得更為進步且普及,當這些系統能普遍的配備於每一台智慧車新產品時,消費者便能更容易的接受,使智慧車新產品邁入全自動無人化的時代。


With the rapid development of smart cars, smart car is considering as top priority for people in purchasing a car. According to IEK research in 2005, the most impotant thing for the development of smart car is Advanced Driver Assistance Systems which demand is gradually rising every year in the regional market. Therefore, many well-known traditional car manufacurers such as BMW、Benz、Toyota、Tesla are concerning about the related technic of smart car and even IT industry leader Google and Apple plan to form a cross-industry alliance with car manyfacurers to catch up with the trend. Google and Apple hope to find Smart car new product in the direction of development and create their own smart car to seize the high potential smart car market. With the development of smart car so far, smart car has already achieve in Semi-automatic driving car by using the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. To explore the future development and the evolution of the smart car, this reseach takes Theory of Inventive Problem Solving as the main tool and using Nine Windows Method and Trends of Evolution in the theoty and in-depth interview with automotive manufacturers to deeply understand the thought of automotive industry. This research got the relevant information for future development of smart car by using interview with automotive manufacturers. By Nine Windows Method and Trends of Evolution, we found that smart car will drive in automatic in the future. The main reason is that the rise of people's awareness of safety, the popularity of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and the well-developed skill of Internet of Vehicle and Induction identification. These three factors are the impotant dirction for car manyfacurers to develop new product in the automaiton trends. Furthermore, developing the smart car need to collaborate with money, technic research and development team and government. Through the combination of these three resources, it would help the Internet of Vehicle and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems become more advanced and widespread. When these systems can be widespread quipped with each smart car, it is able to easily accept for consumers to drive smart car and here comes automatic unmanned generation.


14.Michael A. Orloff (2005), Inventive Thinking through TRIZ, 2nd edition, p.14-36.
15.Semyom D. Savransky (2000), Engineering Of Creativity, Introduction to TRIZ Methodology of Inventive Problem Solving, by CRC Press, p.21-30.
