  • 學位論文


Research on the Upgrading Strategy of OEM Suppliers — A Case Study of Kitchen and Bath Business of Runner Group

指導教授 : 李雨師


隨著時代在進步,人民生活品質提升,對於產品的創新與品質更佳要求。在民生用品衛浴市場,其品牌數量眾多,除國產品牌外,外資衛浴品牌也紛紛進入中國大陸市場佈局,使得市場競爭日益激烈。 外資衛浴品牌經驗積累豐富,在產品設計、生產技術、品牌文化方面更具競爭優勢,在高端市場處於主導地位。中國大陸境內品牌中,除了少數企業規模較大、實力較強外,大部分企業規模較小,產品主要集中在低端領域。隨著消費觀念升級,中國大陸市 場對中、高端衛浴產品需求不斷增長,小型企業生存空間將日益縮小(新思界網,2019)。 80後、90後已經成為中國市場消費主體,對環保、智能、可訂製的新型衛浴產品需求不斷上升,中、高端產品需求將進一步擴大。並且,隨著生活節奏加快,消費者更喜愛一站式採購和線上選購的消費體驗。這些因素將推動中國衛浴市場在研發創新、技術升級方面不斷進步,不斷優化銷售模式,有利於行業長期健康發展。然而在傳統的經營模式之下,如何讓公司能持續發展穩定成長,考驗決策者的執行能力。 本研究運用司徒達賢的策略矩陣分析法中策略形態的六大構面及價值單元的分析與展開,並與策略矩陣整合成策略系統的模式。藉由個案研究法,驗證此策略系統模式如何能使管理者更能精確地衡量未來的規劃選擇,找到正確的市場定位和市場區隔、產品的差異化,進而分析公司轉型及升級的策略,並透過個案研究法能深入瞭解公司,給予個案公司未來發展的建議。


With the progress of the times and the improvement of people's quality of life, there are better requirements for product innovation and quality. In the bathroom equipment market, there are many brands. In addition to domestic brands, foreign bathroom equipment brands have also entered the Chinese market, making the market competition increasingly fierce. Foreign-funded bathroom equipment brands have accumulated rich experience, have more competitive advantages in product design, production technology, and brand culture, and are in a dominant position in the high-end market. Among domestic brands, except for a few companies with large scale and strong strength, most of the companies are small in scale, and their products are mainly concentrated in the low-end field. With the upgrading of consumption concepts, the demand for mid-to-high-end bathroom products in the China market continues to grow, and the living space of small enterprises will shrink increasingly (Newsijie, 2019). The post-80s and post-90s have become the majority of consumption in China. The demand for environmentally friendly, intelligence and customizable new bathroom equipment continues to grow, and the demand for mid-to-high-end products will be further expanded. Moreover, as the pace of life accelerates, consumers prefer the one-stop shopping and online shopping experience. These factors will promote the continuous progress of the country's bathroom fixtures industry in R D, innovation and technological upgrades, and constantly optimize the sales model, which is conducive to the long-term healthy development of the industry. However, under the traditional business model, how to enable the company to continue to develop and grow steadily would be a challenge for the execution ability of decision makers. This study uses Dah-Hsian Seetoo's strategic matrix analysis to analyze and expand the six major dimensions and value units of the strategic posture, and integrates with the strategic matrix into a strategy system model. Through the case study, verify how this strategic system model can enable managers to more accurately measure future planning choices, find the market positioning and market segmentation, and product differentiation, and then analyze the company’s Strategies for transformation and upgrade . Through the case study method can provide in-depth understanding of the company and give case company suggestions for future development.


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