  • 學位論文

「問題本位學習」教學模式對國小 三年級學生科學概念與小組溝通之影響

The Impact of Problem-Based Learning Teaching Model on Third Graders’ Science Concept Learning and Group Communication Processes.

指導教授 : 楊坤原


本研究目的是設計國小三年級學童適用之「問題本位學習」教學模式,並修改自然與生活科技領域教材內容。並根據探討的問題,應用自由軟體套件與適合的硬體,建置「電腦輔助問題本位學習系統」(Computer-Assisted Problem-Based Learning System, CAPBLS),以探討此教學模式下學童的概念學習、合作學習歷程與學童經過CAPBLS教學模式後的滿意度調查。並由研究結果提出建議,做為其他教育人員之參考。 研究以學期平均分數為依據,使用S型分組分為5個異質小組。採準實驗研究和內容分析法,以量化兼質性進行研究。量化研究以概念構圖評分為工具,實施前後測以獲得實驗資料,進以共變數分析而得。質性部分以觀察、問卷及半結構式晤談進行資料蒐集。以水資源為學習內容,利用CAPBLS蒐集資料,續以「合作學習評分指標」對聊天室對話記錄做分析,以探討合作學習歷程與成效。實驗教學後,資料分析取二組為結果呈現,以Gpa與Gpd表示。 本研究結論如下: 一、實驗組學童的概念學習於後測結束後以共變數分析為顯著差異,以Cohen效果量定義呈現中至大的效果(f=0.39),顯示實驗組學童在進行CAPBLS教學模式有助於概念學習。 二、Gpa為協商式學習類型,學童更替當領導者,領導者主動提供知識與經驗並和他人討論,合作行為類型傾向於能為自己的看法或意見與他人辯論,以及舉證說明的編碼類型,而參與討論的人數漸次增多。 三、Gpd屬於依賴式學習類型,由特定學童肩負起整個小組的討論過程,分工與報告等由組長分派。小組合作行為的類型傾向於能為自己的看法或意見與他人辯論,以及舉證說明編碼類型,不同Gpa組的地方是小組成員達到共識比較多。 四、Gpa合作學習分數為先升後降的趨勢,合作學習分數為三分,因為討論人次減少。而Gpd參與人次逐漸上升,小組合作學習分數逐漸增加,Gpd為三至四分。因此參與小組討論的人數越多,越多人互動將導致合作學習行為次數升高,而影響小組學習成效。 五、實驗組學童的合作學習歷程從討論型態的轉變與編碼數量逐漸升高,顯示CAPBLS教學模式有助於小組合作學習成效。 六、在滿意度分析上,對於水資源課程和CAPBLS的系統使用滿意度都是正向的評價。


The main goal of current study is to design a Problem-Based Learning teaching model that is appropriate to third graders. It also modifies the instructional content of the selected edition of the Nature Science and Living Technology to fit both curricular objectives and related factors of teaching model proposed in the present study. Based on the teaching model and research questions, we adopted the open source free software packages and optimal hardware equipment to set up a “Computer-Assisted Problem-Based Learning System (CAPBLS),” to investigate the process of Conceptual Learning, team cooperation and users' satisfaction on the third-graders taught by employing Problem-Based Learning teaching Model. After summarizing the research results, we then provide suggestions and improving guidance to other educators for reference. To reach the goals aforementioned, this study was conducted in some elementary school. Third-graders were used as research objects and divided as five groups by S-type grouping method based on their average grades. This study employed unequal group quasi-experimental design and content analysis method, mainly quantitatively, secondly qualitatively. Quantitatively, we used conceptual mapping grading method to acquire the pre-test and post-test score and conducted the “Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)” to analyze data. Qualitatively, we collected data by observation, questionnaires, and semi-structural interviews. During the learning period, the topic of problem-based learning model was Water-Resource that had been incorporated with CAPBLES as Computer-Assisted Problem-Based Learning Model. We collected data from students on computer platforms. Finally, we analyzed students' discourses happened in chatrooms by cooperative learning grading rubric to further investigate the processes and effects of cooperative learning within group activities. The instructing period lasted two months. We took two groups to analyze and demonstrate the experimental effect, represented as Gpa and Gpd. The conclusions of this study are listed as the followings: 1. After post-test, ANCOVA on conceptual learning of the experiment group shows different significantly; the Cohen's effect size is medium to large (f=0.39). This shows that teaching model of CAPBLS is helpful in conceptual learning for the students in experiment group. 2. Gpa can be regarded as a peer-tutor learning style. They take turns to be the leader who would like to provide abundant knowledge and experience and discuss with others. Small group cooperative learning tends to be able to argue with others for their own view points and opinions as well as to provide evidence to explain the encoding types. The amount of persons participating in discussion increases gradually. 3. Gpd can be regarded as a dependent learning style because one specific student takes the lead in discussing, organizing and assignment. Small group cooperative learning tends to be able to argue with others for their own view points and opinions as well as to provide evidence to explain the encoding types. The difference from Gpa is that they reach the consensus on more aspects. 4. Gpa's score in small group cooperative learning increases firstly and then decreases in later discussion sessions because of the lack of discussion. On the contrary, the amount of persons in Gpd increases; therefore, cooperative learning behaviors increase and then influence on small group learning effect. Gpa gets the score of 3 in small group cooperative learning; its group size is bigger than 3 persons. Gpd gets the score of 3 to 4, higher than Gpa's; the reason behind this is having less argument. Gpd's score in small group cooperative learning is gradually increasing, indicating that interactions within group can enhance small group cooperative learning. 5. In experimental group, both discussion pattern and encoding amount increase in cooperative learning processes, indicating that CAPBLS teaching model can enhance the cooperative learning effect. 6. In satisfaction analysis, it is positive for the evaluation on using both Water-Resource course and CAPBLS.




