  • 學位論文

行動學習對於學生學習效果之研究 —以中原大學企管系學生為例—

The Learning Effects of Action Learning on the University Students

指導教授 : 丁姵元


論文摘要 本研究主要研究目的為解大學生在行動學習中學習歷程和結果。主要研究結果發現大部份大學生都達成了當初自行所設之學習目標。另外並證明行動學習是可以讓大學生得到內外在的學習,內在如同自我瞭解增加、自信增加等。外在的學習如同傾聽能力變的更好、對別人更具同理心等,詳細情況會在後半段加以說明之。另外,本研究也證實行動學習對於大學生的學習是具持續性的。 綜合本研究發現,行動學習對於大部份同學是有學習成效的,,從初始發現大部份的同學都有很強的參與動機想要多瞭解自我並且計劃未來,但在初期,很多同學對自己很沒有信心,不認為自己可以做得到課程的要求,並且他們也發現要完全地在課程中揭露自已是有困難的。除此之外,他們也發現在課程中的必要要件─問問題,對他們是不容易的。另外也因為他們因為此課程需要做的功課以及方案很多,他們原本的時間規劃問題也顯露出來。並且,他們也藉組員所問的問題得到很多的挑戰,而這些挑戰讓他們思考很多他們未曾想過的事情。至於在學習的方法部份則包含實際執行他們的行動方案、閱讀、聽演講、訪談、錄音帶以及課堂報告等等。而我們發現雖然有許多困難和挑戰,卻使大部份同學都有很大的學習,這些學習包括了反思及賦權。反思是在藉由問問題、回答問題以及觀察到別人的改變的過程當中都會讓同學得到的很多的反思內省以及檢討。至於賦權則是在過程當中,大部份的同學認為得到支持、肯定,看到別人有好的成果時,同學們亦會被激勵和鼓勵。在結果的部份則分為三個部份,第一個部份為個人內在的學習、其次為外在人際互動的學習,最後一部份則是其它學習。在個人內在的學習中,大部份的同學們都表示他們對自己有更多地瞭解、並且他們的自信心也好像有相當程度地增加,並且他們更願意坦誠揭露自己、以及更有勇氣面對未來的困難。至於外在人際互動的學習則包含他們的傾聽能力變的更好、學會如何問問題、對別人更具同理心。但更另人意外的是,他們與家人之間的互動關係也得到了改變。最後,其它的學習則包含了,同學開始從不同的觀點去思考、較會做時間管理、在其它課程的學習動力也有所改變,並且更特別的是研究者在半年之後訪問他們時,他們的學習動力以及持續力依舊。總結而言,本研究發現大部份的同學有很正向的回饋,以及正面的學習。總結本研究之研究貢獻:1. 過去行動學習多實行於國外,在台灣則文獻較少,所以在這裡的研究證明行動研究在台灣是可行的。2.過去行動學習的研究較多是針對有工作的人員進行相關研究,現在我們針對未有工作經驗的大學同學之生涯規劃為主題,而我們也發現行動學習對於生涯規劃的進展是有幫助的。3.我們發現行動學習也帶來了許多不同的教學方法,包括以學生為主、傾聽、問問題、課堂報告等等,這些方法皆刺激同學的反思、團隊學習以及態度的主動性。


反思 行動學習 自我瞭解


Abstract The purpose of this research is trying to find out the learning process and result of a group of Taiwanese university students in an Action Learning program. The data demonstrate that there are mainly two results: inner and outer learning. The inner learning includes self-awareness, and self-confidence. Outer learning includes increased listening ability, empathy. Moreover, the research also shows that the students’ learning also continued to have impact on them six months after the program finished. It appears that Action Learning has great impact on the students in term of their learning result. Most of the students chose career planning as their learning projects. At beginning of the program, the students seemed to have strong motivation to learn more about themselves and have better plan for their future. Nevertheless, many students were also not confident enough that they could achieve their goals. In addition, the data also shows that they have problems in self-disclosure since they have to be open themselves to tell their group their problem. Moreover, questioning is also difficult for them. Also the students’ problems in time management were also exposed in the course. The data demonstrates that the beginning of the learning process, the students were challenged by the questions in the discussion because it made them think many things they have never thought before. The actions they used to solve their problems included reading books, listening speeches, listening and typing the tape recorded in the classroom, and presenting their problems to their group member in the course. At the same time, many students have also experienced learning including better reflection skill and empowerment. The research suggests that there are three parts in the students’ learning results. The first one is inner personal learning. The second one is interpersonal learning. The final one includes other learning such as better time management skill, learning to see things from a different perspective, and even better learning motivation and attitudes towards other courses in the university. Moreover, the evidence also suggests that the change and learning were still retained strongly by the students. The research has two main contributions. Firstly, in the past, there has been very little research about implementing Action Learning in a Taiwanese context. The research shows that Action Learning can also work in Taiwan. Secondly, most of the research about Action Learning was mainly for employees. But in this research, the participants are the Taiwanese university students who did not have full-time jobs. Moreover, instead of bringing their work problem, most of the students used career planning as their learning projects. The results suggest that Action Learning can also be used as a course in the university to help the students. And career planning seems to be an effective way to help the students to learn skill such as self-awareness, self-confidence, time management, listening skill, interpersonal and reflection skill.


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