  • 學位論文


Value Engineering in Interior Design Planning Practices

指導教授 : 張謙允


摘要 價值工程(Value Engineering, VE)或稱為價值方法(Value Methodology, VM)、價值分析(Value Analysis, VA)、價值管理(Value Management, VM),是一種以系統分析方法,研究如何在不影響計畫之基本功能及工程品質的前提下,以最低總成本完成計畫,使花費之每一分錢都能獲致最高價值。此研析方法是美國通用電器公司Mr. Lawrence D. Miles在1947提出。 全球實施價值工程五十多年來,運用價值工程在增加利潤方面之貢獻有目共睹,早期除了廣泛運用在製造業以外,後來大量運用在營建業工程方面亦被視為降低成本的重要利器之一。 本研究提出以價值工程導入室內設計為議題,企圖引用國外室內設計公司執行小型價值工程為室內設計服務項目之市場策略方式,以台南蕭壟文化園區展示設計異業統包案運作價值工程為例,藉由操作過程修正建議,並以專家訪談方式,探討室內設計業界在面對執行價值工程遭遇之現況難度,期能成為符合現代市場服務需求之有效策略運用方法,預期達成符合時代需求,創造市場利益之目標。


室內設計 價值工程


Abstract Value Engineering (VE),Value Methodology(VM),Value Analysis(VA)or called the Value Management(VM) ,is one kind of the system analysis method. These studies do not affect the basic function plan and the project quality premise. Completed the plan with the lowest total cost and enables every cent expenditures all to obtain the maximum valency value. This grinds analyzes method is proposed by US General Electric Mr. Lawrence D. Miles in 1,947. For 50 years, global have implementation value engineering. It’s obviously that all who using the contribution of the value engineering contribution have increase their profit aspect. In early days disseminate in manufacturing industry, and later massively utilized the construction engineering. It also to regard as one of the important effection method to reduces the cost. This research proposed that the interior design using the value engineering as a subject. In the attempt using foreign interior design firms to carry out the value engineering is the strategy way of the service in small scale's project. For example the interior design firms at the Hsiao Ridge Culture Garden Area in Tainan demonstrated designs different industry series package of document operationby using value engineering. The suggestion of the operating process revision suggestion, In the professional interview have discussed that interior designs market have face present difficulty to carries out the value engineering. The goal for creates market benefit is the interior design can become conforms modern market service by using the effective strategy utilization method. Anticipated achieves conforms due to the modern time demand.


Interior Design Value Engineering


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