  • 學位論文

供應鏈管理下 「寄銷」管理制度實證研究 —以台達電子供應鏈為例—

Supply Chain--Case Study for Consignment Management

指導教授 : 林震岩


隨著產業全球化的佈局,各企業越來越重視供應鏈管理。為解決長鞭效應,無不思考,如何縮短材料運輸時間,降低庫存,提高材料周轉率…等問題。同時為提高對客戶的服務,增加接單機會,因此各企業無不加緊腳步架構綿密的供應鏈體系,藉以增加企業接單能力,同時縮短作業時間,達到企業獲利目的,是企業成長的利器 ! 在供應鏈管理「寄銷」是買方最常使用的供應鏈管理方法之一, Tony Wild(2003)提出VMI 是一種寄銷庫存的方式,也就是「屬於供應商的庫存放置在客戶所在地點」。寄銷有許多不同的方式,最重要的特性是接近客戶所在地,但是所有權歸供應商。 因此屬於體積小,共用性高的材料,買方多會傾向使用「寄銷」作為供應鏈管理方式之一,本研究以電子業作為研究基礎,針對目前普遍被業界使用的「寄銷」模式做一探討 !並以個案中實務運作之買賣雙方做深入訪談與研究,瞭解實務面與運作面的差異,以及目前遭遇到的問題,以提供企業作為建置「寄銷」模式的參考 ! 本研究除針對實際個案做深入訪談外, 並針對有寄銷模式運作之公司行號做一問卷調查 , 研究發現與歸納如下 : 一、個案公司之「產品屬性」影響其採用寄銷模式的動機。 二、個案公司之「供應鏈位置」影響其推動寄銷機制之考量。 三、採用寄銷對交易夥伴雙方帶來不同的效益。 關鍵字 :寄銷、供應商管理存貨、VMI、供應商管理


As the realms of industry expand around the world, businesses are gradually attaching more importance to chain-of-supply management. To resolve problems of Bullwhip Effect, businesses and enterprises are contemplating on various ways to shorten the time of supply transportation, to decrease the amount of reserves, to increase the rate of supply-circulation, etcetera. Along with solving these problems, improving the quality of customer service consequently raises consumer rate. Hence, it is a crucial weapon for industries to set up a tighter and more efficient chain-of-supply management, in order to reach the goal of a high consumer rate and a short labor time. “Consignment” is one of consumers’ most frequently-used ways of chain-of-supply management. As proposed by Tony Wild (2003), VMI is a technique of consignment, in which reserves are placed at the location of the consumer. There are many ways of consignment, and the most important characteristic of it is that even though the products are located closer to the consumer, the ownership still lies with the distributer. Since consignment reserves little space and provides conveniences for both the consumer and the distributer, consumers generally like to use it as a method of chain-of-supply management. This research is based on electronic industries, with a discussion focused on “consignment,” a method frequently used as of today. Furthermore, specific cases of business operations between the distributer and consumer are also used for further analysis and discussion. This, in turn, will provide a further understanding of the differences between logistics and operation, and new insights on the problems recently encountered. All of this will then serve as references of “consignment” available to enterprises. Not only does this research focus on specific cases of business operations, it also surveys various companies that utilize the technique of consignment. The results are grouped into the following categories: A. The properties of products and the effects they bring upon individaul companies, and the motives behind utilizing consignation. B. The locations of the chain-of-supplies and the effects they bring on individual companies such as promoting consignation as a solution. C. Utilizing consignment as a way to bring benefits to both sides of business transactions. Key Words : Consignment , Vendor Inventory Managament, VMI, Supply Chain Management


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