  • 學位論文

以水生植物從受污染底泥中移除重金屬 的探討

A Study of Removal of Heavy Metals from Contaminated Sediments Using Aguatic Plants

指導教授 : 葉華光


本研究是以桃園縣某工業區內承受水體為對象,對底泥及周遭主要生長植物舖地黍(Panicum repens L.)之根、莖、葉、節進行重金屬含量分析,以了解此環境遭受污染之程度,並探討舖地黍(Panicum repens L.)是否可作為吸附體,具有吸附重金屬能力。河底污泥及沉積物中重金屬是以酸消化法及事業廢棄物毒物特性溶出程序進行萃取;對舖地黍則是以高溫碳化法進行重金屬萃取,之後利用火焰式原子吸收光譜法檢測樣品中銅、鋅、鎳、鉻、鉛、鎘、銀、錳、鐵等九種重金屬含量。檢測時所建立之檢量線須作週期性之查核,以確認標準溶液之穩定度在相對誤差值 ± 10%以內;而同日間和異日間分析之相對標準偏差結果低於10%。 本研究結果顯示: (1)發現該區域底泥受重金屬銅、鋅、鉻、鉛等污染。 (2)舖地黍根部對重金屬銅、鎳、鉛吸收累積量之能力具顯著性;而植物地上部(莖、葉、節部位)對於重金屬鋅、鉻、錳、鐵吸收能力較根部具顯著性,但舖地黍對於銀之吸收能力卻不顯著。 (3)比較整株舖地黍中重金屬累積吸收量與底泥重金屬含量之相關性,發現舖地黍吸收重金屬鉻效果最佳,其次為銅。 本研究對植物吸附重金屬相關性及重金屬累積吸收量予以探討並說明舖地黍(Panicum repens L.)對富含重金屬銅、鉻之底泥可以說是一良好植物淨化體。藉此不僅可對河川復育技術之機制更清楚瞭解,以期對植物復育技術之處理機制提供參考,作為日後國內選擇底泥重金屬污染整治技術考量參考因素之一。


The goals of this research is to investigate the extent of heavy metal pollution in an industrial park located at Tao-yuan County, Taiwan, and to study the possibility of using a common plant, torpedograss (Panicum repens L.), for phytoremediation of heavy metal pollution in Taiwan. Samples of water and sediment of a small river were collected, as well as the roots, stems, and leaves of torpedograss, and analyzed for the contents of nine heavy metals. The extraction of heavy metals from river sediment was treated with acid digestion method and Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP). Water samples were filtered and analyzed directly. The various parts of torpedograss were carbonized under high temperature and treated with concentrated nitric acid to extract the heavy metal ions. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) was utilized to measure the concentrations of copper, zinc, nickel, chromium, lead, cadmium, silver, manganese, and iron. Periodic validation of the calibration curve was performed to confirm the stability of the standard solution to be within ±10% of the actual value. Relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the interday and intraday analyses were all below 10%. The research results showed that the river sediment was polluted with copper, zinc, chromium, and lead. The cumulative absorption abilities of the roots of torpedograss to copper, nickel, and lead were significant and the contents of zinc, chromium, manganese, and iron in the stems, leaves, and burl of torpedograss were more than those in roots. However, the absorption of silver by torpedograss was not significant. The relationship of the heavy metal contents between the torpedograss and the river sediment revealed that torpedograss had the best absorbency for chromium, and secondary for copper. According to these preliminary results, we postulate that torpedograss may be a good candidate for treating soils and sediments that are polluted with chromium and copper.


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