  • 學位論文

高等教育機構組織教師工會之研究 —以國立X技術學院為例—

The Study of Teachers’ Union in Higher Education Context — The Case Study of National X College

指導教授 : 丁姵元


論 文 摘 要 時代的變遷不斷地衝擊著各種產業,即使是「教育」這樣一個已有千百年歷史的行業,也和現今許多的高科技產業一樣,面臨著變革的壓力。而環境的變化以及溝通管道的成效不彰,使得有些教師內心感到孤立無助,希望藉由組織教師工會來改善目前的狀況。但是經過近20年的運作,教師組織工會仍未蔚為風潮,除法令的限制外,教師在我國的傳統角色,也是一個影響其參與意願的重要因素。在大專院校這種專業型的組織,教師就是實際的作業核心,若是心中的負面感受無法妥適消除,將會影響工作的專業性,而在這個大環境裏,高等教育的教師們是否有和其他各級教師對組織教師工會相同的看法?本研究藉由訪談一所公立高等教育機構的教師們來蒐集資料,並以質性研究的方法,深入探討高等教育教師對環境的知覺以及對組織工會的看法。 本研究結果發現,目前在高等教育機構中,教師對環境的知覺是不一致的,教師的心中「正面感受」和「負面感受」是並存的,這也使得教師對組織教師工會的態度並不一致,其中有些教師雖然對現行教育環境並不滿意,但多數教師對組織工會是持保留態度,我們可以感覺到,教師組織工會是受到二股力量的拉扯牽引,「環境變化」這股力量是把教師往組織工會的道路上推進,例如學生權益過度保護、政府政策變化損及教師權益和學校行政系統效率低落,使得教師憂心淪為弱勢族群,必須藉由組織教師工會來抗衡環境的變化;而「教師特殊的職責與角色特質」這股力量,則對組織教師工會有所牽制,因為高理性的專業背景和傳統的模範角色,使得高等教育教師對組織教師工會的確切目的功能及運作所可能產生的影響是有所疑慮的;這二股力量的消長,就會影響到教師組織工會的態度。綜合探討後,本研究也發展了一個組織教師工會相關因素的初步架構,希望對相關人員及未來的研究能夠有所幫助。


教師工會 知覺 教師角色


Abstract The main purpose of this research is to explore the perception of the teachers in a higher education toward the teacher’s union. Same as other industries, education sectors are also facing pressures to change. However, unlike other organizations, universities and college are professional organizations where the teachers are the main operating core. Facing rapid change in the society and communication problems within the schools seems to cause stress to the teachers. Qualitative research methodology has been used in this research to explore the teachers’ work perception towards their job and teachers’ union in the higher education. The evidence suggests that most teachers’ perceptions towards their jobs are mixed feelings. Many of them are not satisfied with the environment and the government policy of education. Nevertheless, it does not mean most of the teachers approve the idea of establishing teachers’ union. Unlike the teachers in high schools and elementary schools, the data demonstrates that most of the teachers are still quite reserved in the idea of organizing the teachers’ union. The data seems to show that there are two kinds of power pulling the teachers’ attitude towards the teachers’ union. One is the environment factors which include the change of government education policy, the inefficiency of school administration and over protection of the students’ rights. These powers seem to urge the teachers to organize the teachers’ union in order to protect themselves. On the other hand, another kind of power which seems to pull the teachers away from teachers’ union is the teacher’s characteristic and their role in Chinese tradition. Good public image and the expectation of ‘teacher’ from the society seem to pull the teachers away from organizing the teachers’ union. To sum up, a initial structure of the teachers’ attitude towards the teachers’ union has been explored and established in the research.


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11.Robert G. Owens(1992). Organizational Behavior in Education。


蔡明璋(2007)。傳統產業專業知識延續管理之研究 —以女性飾品服裝A公司研發設計人員為訪談案例—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200700114
