  • 學位論文

產品品質/附加價值、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度對再購意願影響之研究 ─以行動電腦產品為例

The Influence of Product Quality/Value-Added Customer Satisfaction and Royalty on Purchase Intention

指導教授 : 廖本哲


全球IT(Information Technology)產業趨勢變化快速,近年來國內消費性行動電腦(Notebook, NB)市場蓬勃發展,加上行動電腦所使用新晶片的推出,成本大幅滑落反應在產品價格上,引發低價行動電腦機種推出取代桌上型電腦(Desktop, DT) 的換機潮,再加上隨處可無線上網下載的數位影音內容等因素,導致行動電腦市場的成長。 行動電腦在經過十幾年發展後,已從過去針對商務人士辦公文件處理、上網等基本需求轉而拓展至消費市場。在生活形態日益變遷下,消費者對於IT產品的需求已逐漸朝向娛樂(Entertainment)發展,多媒體、影音相關功能的強化亦是產品技術發展不可或缺的一環。各品牌大廠為搶佔市場,除強化中、低階主力產品線外,亦推出高階產品系列,藉由擴大產品線廣度以期能取得更佳表現。 本研究以問卷調查的實證研究方式,探討國內行動電腦產業其產品品質/附加價值、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度對再購意願的影響。以上的研究架構描述基於對文獻的探討,再根據架構設計出適合的問卷。本研究以國內市佔率前三大品牌之消費者來做為問卷發放對象,採便利抽樣,問卷發放共500份,回收429份,回收率85.8%;有效問卷244份佔發放問卷比率為48.8。藉由SPSS套裝統計軟體進行分析,得到結論如下: 一、 產品品質、附加價值與顧客滿意度相關之認知方面,發現附加價值的提升才是影響顧客滿意度的功臣。 二、 涉入程度影響顧客忠誠度之認知方面,在研究中,我們發現消費者對行動電腦涉入程度的高低並不會影響顧客忠誠度。 三、 產品知識影響再購意願之認知方面,在研究中,我們發現消費者產品知識高低並不會影響再購意願。 四、 顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度與再購意願相關之認知方面,研究結果如研究假設所預測,顧客滿意度會影響顧客忠誠度,顧客忠誠度又與再購意願成正相關。 針對於此,本研究建議業者應該在提升附加價值方面下功夫,藉由高顧客滿意度來抓住顧客,進而提高市佔率來增加利潤,以其在競爭市場中佔有一席之地。


In recent years, the market of domestic consumption notebooks has grown vigorously for the sake of the worldwide fast change of IT industry. The lower cost of Chipset offsets the price of NBs, which makes most users change their DTs into NBs. Furthermore, the popularity of downloading audio and video programs from the wireless Internet increases the consumption of NBs as well. Over the past decade, NB has been transformed from a tool for business paperwork to a commercial device. In order to meet diversified customers’ needs about IT products, manufacturers upgrade their audio-visual multimedia technology to fulfill the entertainment functions. Alongside promotion of lower and median priced products, each famous IT manufacturer further hits the market with higher-end products to gain more NB market share. This research was conducted by questionnaire investigation to discuss the interrelationship between the quality and additional value of the products, customers’ satisfaction and loyalty toward the products and the customers’ purchase intentions. The subjects of the questionnaire were the customers of the top three domestic NB manufacturers. 429 samples out of 500 were collected, with the retrieving rate of 85.8%. The effective questionnaires were 244. The SPSS statistics software was used to analyze the data. The main findings of this study were as follows: First, high additional value of the products is the key factor to affect the customers’ satisfaction toward the products. Secondly, customers’ knowledge about the NB will not affect customers’ loyalty toward the products. Thirdly, customers’ knowledge about the products will not affect customers’ purchase intentions. Fourthly, customers’ satisfaction toward the products will affect customers’ loyalty toward the products; customers’ loyalty toward the products has positively related to customers’ purchase intentions. Therefore, manufacturers should exert more efforts on upgrading additional value of the products to increase customers’ satisfaction toward the products, so as to make more profits and expand their market share.


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