  • 學位論文


The Research on the Craftsmanship of Bamboo lath and Wood lath During the Japanese Occupation in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃俊銘 薛 琴


日本治台的五十年間,曾引進許多不同於台灣傳統的技術與材料,近年來許多承襲的日本工法逐漸失傳,常以台灣傳統工法應用於所有的修復工程。台灣日治時期遺留至今的古蹟與歷史建築,其中最普遍使用的壁體為小舞壁及木摺壁,亦面臨著知識及技術方面的不足。因此本論文的基本立場為(1)建立小舞壁及木摺壁的基本知識。(2)分析日治時期如何針對小舞壁及木摺壁撰寫施工規範。(3)提出現今修復工事的規範建議。(4)本研究冀望能作為日治時期相關左官工法的開端和基礎。 本論文分五章作論述,其章節內容如下: 第一章 緒論 本章主要論述研究動機與目的、引用文獻與回顧、界定研究範圍與對象,並建立研究方法。 第二章 台灣日治時期小舞壁及木摺壁技術之分析 本研究係以日治時期相關左官工事文獻、匠師訪談以及現今的左官書籍,建立小舞壁及木摺壁的基本知識。本章主要內容分為塗壁材料、下地、施作工具、施作程序四個部份深入探討。 第三章 台灣日治時期小舞壁及木摺壁工事規範之研究 透過《臺灣總督府公文類纂》中的工事仕樣書,分析日治時期如何針對小舞壁及木摺壁撰寫施工規範。主要內容為小舞壁及木摺壁於工事仕様書規範之內容、應用建物類型及構造部位、規範與構造之變遷。 第四章 小舞壁及木摺壁損壞與修復之研究 透過相關左官工事文獻、匠師訪談以及修復工事報告書的歸納整理,提出現今修復工事的規範建議。本章主要內容為小舞壁及木摺壁的損壞原因探討、修復的問題與改善建議、修復之基本原則與對策方式、修復工事之規範建議。 第五章 結論 提出本論文的結論與未來研究的課題建議。 關鍵字:日治時期、技術、左官工事、小舞壁、木摺壁、漆喰、仕樣書


日治時期 左官工事 技術 漆? 仕樣書 木摺壁 小舞壁


This thesis composed five chapters to discuss ,its content discussed in below: Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter discussed mainly the research motive and the goals ,and the employing literatures and the historical reviews ,and focused the research field and the research object ,and builded the research method. Chapter 2 Analysis of the technology of Bamboo lath and Wood lath During the Japanese Occupation in Taiwan. Build basic Knowledge of Bamboo lath and Wood lath with Employing literatures During the Japanese Occupation ,and interview craftsman of Plaster work ,and Plasterer book of nowadays. This chapter discussed mainly the Plastered wall material ,and Plaster base ,and Plasterer tool ,and the procedure of Plaster work. Chapter 3 The Research on the Specification of Bamboo lath and Wood lath During the Japanese Occupation in Taiwan. It is analysed how to write the construction norm to Bamboo lath and Wood lath During the Japanese Occupation by researching on the Specification of the document of Governor palace in Taiwan.This chapter discussed mainly the Specification of Bamboo lath and Wood lath ,and applications to the type of the Build and position of Structure ,and the changes of code and Structure. Chapter 4 The Research on the Damage and repair of Bamboo lath and Wood lath. Propose repairing the suggestions of standardizing of the defence works by researching on the literatures of plaster work ,and interview craftsman of Plaster work ,and report of Repair the defence works. This chapter discussed mainly the discussion on the the reason of Damage of Bamboo lath and Wood lath ,and Repair the question and improve proposing ,and Basic principle and countermeasure way to repair ,and proposed the norm of repairing defence works. Chapter 5 Conclusion This chapter summarizes the conclusions found in the studies and make suggestions for possible future studies of the same subject. Key word:During the Japanese ccupation in Taiwan,technique,Plaster work, Bamboo lath, Wood lath,plaster, Specification




