  • 學位論文


Apply Text Mining Method To Study The Reasons That Middle-Aged Population Refuse To Enter The Traditional Manufacturing Industry

指導教授 : 曾世賢


摘要 隨著大數據時代之來臨,巨量資料之蒐集和分析變得非常重要。掌握數據即是掌握商機,不論是從消費者消費行為擬定產品策略,還是從網頁搜尋之資料頻率來鎖定特定族群並實行精準行銷,都是在大數據時代下之趨勢。傳統蒐集資料方式大多為發放問卷或是透過受訪者之口頭敘述,但此些方式可能因為人情因素或是壓力因素等多項因素,而使得資料失真,故本研究透過網絡社群公開且匿名之特性,使用者較能將心中想法真正表達出,將特定研究所需之資料使用文字探勘技術進行蒐集及擷取,再進行資料整理後之分析工作。本研究之主要擷取之資料是為青壯年人口不願進傳統製造業之原因,並且將蒐集到之資料斷字分類後找出關鍵字,最後將關鍵字分門別類分類出七大類型。分析後將各大類原因比例呈現出,好讓讀者更能清楚了解到不願進傳統製造業原因之占比,進而為企業主及企業主管提供相關數據,幫助改善傳統製造業吸引人才之條件。


Abstract With the advent of the era of big data, the collection and analysis of huge amounts of data becomes very important. Mastering data means grasping business opportunities, whether it is to formulate product strategies from consumer consumption behaviors, or to target specific groups and implement accurate marketing from the frequency of data searched on web pages, are trends in the era of big data. The traditional methods of collecting data are mostly the distribution of questionnaires or oral descriptions of the interviewees. However, these methods may distort the data due to many factors such as human factors or stress factors. Therefore, this study is through the open and anonymous features of online community, users are more able to express their real thoughts, collect and retrieve the data required by specific research using Text Mining technology, and then analyze the data after finishing the data. The main collected data in this study is the reason why the young and middle-aged people are reluctant to enter the traditional manufacturing industry, and the keywords are found in collected data, and finally the keywords are classified into seven categories. After analysis, the proportion of various major reasons is presented so that readers can more clearly understand the proportion of reasons why young and middle-aged people are reluctance to enter the traditional manufacturing industry, and then provide relevant data for business owners and business executives to improve the conditions of traditional manufacturing industry to attract talented people.


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