  • 學位論文

探討消費者對於循環經濟商品之購買因素 —以服飾產業為例

Exploring Consumers' Purchasing Factors for Circular Economy Goods - A Case of Clothing Industry

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


在環境汙染日益嚴重的狀況下,許多的環保團體以及消費者開始訴求對地球友好的商品,許多的產業開始為環境盡一份心力,而循環經濟的概念也藉此更廣泛的被討論;隨著服飾產業近年來日漸成長,也帶來汙染以及資源的消耗,因此成為環保團體撻伐的對象,許多服飾品牌Nike、H M、Zara、Adidas、Uniqlo開始針對環境問題擬定不同策略,也紛紛推出各種綠色服飾來獲取消費者的認同,然而消費者是否願意為了環境意識付出更多的價格,成為本研究想探討的問題。 為進一步找到答案,本研究透過文獻分析,歸納了消費者對於綠色消費的看法,也透過循環經濟的商業模式將服飾產業前十大品牌中的Nike、H M、Zara、Adidas、Uniqlo五個品牌所推出的環保的服飾產品與服務進行分類,歸納出產品服務化、修復與翻新、再製造、再生料替代原生料、資源再生與回復這五種為目前現有的商業模式,並針對影響綠色消費行為以及購買意願原因進行探討。本研究透過人口統計變數、環境意識、環保行為作為影響綠色消費行為的變因,並針對不同的商業模式進行購買意願以及願付價格的探討。 本研究使用抽樣法,扣除有效問卷後為393份的問卷再透過spss分析後,研究結果發現(1)消費者平均對於五種循環經濟商業模式下的商品的願付溢價為負的,(2)而對於五種循環經濟商業模式下的商品,環境意識以及環保行為與購買意願有想顯著影響,但具有環保行為消費者大部分的情況下,環保行為與願付價格影響皆為不顯著,表示出具有環保行為的消費者,雖然認同商品的環保理念並有購買意願,但不願意花更多錢購買,可能的原因為具有環保行為消費者比起購買商品,更會以實際行動作為環保行為,因此不見得願意付出金錢。


With the rapid development of the economy, the pollution of environment is increasingly serious.Many environmental groups and consumers have begun to ask company that be more friendly to the earth. Many industries have begun to make a contribution to protect the Earth. And the concept of circular economy has extensive discussions. The clothing industry has grown in recent years, which has also brought pollution and resource consumption. Therefore, environmental protection groups want to make they have a change . Many clothing brands Nike, H M, Zara, Adidas, and Uniqlo have begun to develop different strategies for environmental issues, and have also launched greens cloth to gain consumer recognition. But whether consumers are willing to pay more for environmental awareness.This is a problem that this study wants to explore. In order to find the answer, this study summarizes the consumer's perception of green consumption through literature analysis, and also uses the circular economy business model to Nike, H M, ZARA, Adidas and Uniqlo among the top ten brands in the clothing industry. The introduction of environmentally-friendly apparel products and services to classify and summarize. Incloud Re-make,Re-condition,Performance ,Resource recovery,Circular souring are the current existing business models. Then exploreing the reason of green consumption behavior and purchase intention. This study explores the purchase intention and the willingness to pay for different business models through demographic variables, environmental awareness, and environmental behavior as factors that influence green consumption behavior. In this study use the sampling method. After deducting the valid questionnaire, 393 questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS. The results showed that (1) Consumers do not want to pay more money in five cyclical economic business models (2)It is a significant impact for environmental awareness to purchase intentions and willingness to pay.But for environmental behavior is not significant to willingness to pay.Alought more consumers who have environmental behavior will indentity with the green product, but don`t want pay more.Maybe thay more prefer do environmental behavior more than buy green product .


Circular Economy


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