  • 學位論文


The Use of Voluntary Insurance Planning for Labor Pensions

指導教授 : 陳若暉


近年因世界各國人口少子化、老年化等現象,造成老人經濟安全問題顯現,導致各國政府極度重視社會保險的改革。我國因人口老化速度嚴峻,對於解決老年經濟問題,更是迫在眉睫。 雖然政府依照不同年代的經濟狀況,逐步循序漸進的推動各項社會保險及退休金改革,如94年推動勞工退休金新制、97年開辦國民年金、98年實施勞工保險、103年實施公教人員保險及107年實施的軍公教年改等,但似乎都趕不上人口老化速度能即時解決老年經濟安全的問題。 有鑑於此,本研究除了介紹現行改革後,各職業類別的社會保險及退休金制度,說明退休領取資格條件、金額計算方式外,並以人口占比最多且經濟層面較為弱勢的勞工為主,探討退休金運用的金融商品分析及在自願性保險的議題案例分析。其中,包含了基本的人身醫療手術住院保險、失能殘扶險及投資型保險月配息的運用等。 希望民眾能了解僅依靠政府的社會保險,仍無法完全因應老年經濟安全。應趁年輕時及早規劃進行,並兼顧到極易影響家庭經濟風險的醫療及失能保障。


Declining birth rates and aging populations around the world in recent years have given prominence to the issue of economic security for the elderly and prompted governments to take social insurance reforms seriously. The rate of population aging in Taiwan is severe, which makes solving the problem of Gerontonmics even more imperative. The government has pushed through various social insurance and pension reforms based on the economic conditions of the times, such as a new Labor Pension System in 2005, the National Pension in 2008, the Labor Insurance Reform in 2009, the Government Employee Insurance Reform in 2014, and the Government Employee Insurance Reform in 2018. However, they still could not keep up with population aging or immediately solve the problem of economic security for the elderly. Therefore this study introduced the current post-reform social insurance and pension systems for various occupations, explained pension qualifications and calculation methods, and analyzed pension products and voluntary insurance planning for the working class, who take up the largest proportion of the population and are more economically disadvantaged. The aforementioned products include basic personal hospital and surgical insurance, disability insurance, and the use of monthly dividends from investment insurance. We hope to give the public the understanding that economic security for the elderly cannot be completely solved through social insurance alone. In addition, one should begin planning for retirement while still young and take healthcare and disability into account, as they can easily impact family finances.


1 Garrick Huang,再探金融商品避險會計,2017.8.30。
2 王淑以,投信投顧公會,2018.11.16。
