  • 學位論文


Design thinking of the dinning space: A case study of the Korean restaurant

指導教授 : 黃慶輝


人們對於餐廳的空間品味提升,追尋的是一種更高層次的正向用餐體驗與情感交流的場域。良好的用餐空間不僅要能滿足用餐者對於空間私密性的要求,也同時要能符合商業經濟效益。由韓國文化產業的推動所引起的「韓食」在台灣越來越見普遍,觸發了對於韓式料理用餐空間客席配置合理化的研究動機。本研究的研究方法為設計案例研究(Case Study),選定三個都會型實際案例,透過對案例的客席密度、客席類型與尺寸、客席數量的規劃、動線作分析整理,並藉由空間型態構成理論(Space Syntax)進行交叉分析,試圖探究用餐空間中客席配置之影響因素。研究結果發現:即使在文化全球化的趨勢之下,許多異國餐廳的空間設計逐漸被統一的潮流趨勢所取代,韓國獨特的用餐文化卻有別於其他異國餐廳,在餐桌佈置、餐具擺設上仍保有其傳統風格。規畫客席密度的關鍵考量,除了餐廳種類、型態與客單價的高低之外,研究發現透過餐廳面積估算客席數量的方式,符合設計師實務操作的結果。另外,在客席配置方面,一般而言,在私密性不足的開放空間安排團體座位區,私密性高的區域則規劃需要親密距離的客席類型,但用餐者對的環境的擁擠知覺受到個人因素與文化條件影響。韓國民族喜歡呼朋引伴一起吃飯,因此歡樂的用餐氣氛能緩和私密性不足的擁擠感受,若能理解人們如何認知環境,有助於對用餐區中不同互視程度的區域做適當的客席規劃。本研究對於韓式料理用餐空間之思考方向,可供設計者作為餐廳設計時的參考。


The design of restaurant dining space is to enhance the higher level of positive dining experience and emotional communication field for the consumers. The good dining space is not only to meet the diner’s privacy requirements, but also to be able to satisfy the business benefits of the restaurant’s owner. The Korean foods and restaurants are very popular in Taiwan. However, does the design methods, and the configuration of Korean cuisine dining space different from that of other country? The objective of this research is to analyze the design thinking, density of dining configuration and psychological factors of the Korean restaurants. Methodology of this study was the Case Study, which selected three cases. The techniques of data collection included observation and interview. The methods of data analysis were Space Syntax and theories of environmental psychology. The findings of this study indicated that the cuisine layout, tableware arrangement and dinning method maintained Korean style, although the interior design elements were very modern and globalized. The major factors of the density of dining configuration were type, space, price, culture and the perception of crowding. Koreans like to invite their friends to join the meal. The relaxed atmosphere can ease the congestion. The average number of the density of dining configuration was 1.3. The results also pointed out that the movement intensive area of the restaurants located near the kitchen door, and the corridor connected to major entrance. Those areas have lower privacy. The higher privacy areas were next to the kitchen door and toilet entrance. The properties of crowd and privacy are important design factors for the dining space. In order to further understand the perception of table density, future studies will focus on the relationships between interior design and people’s cognition of environment.




林錦宏(2017)。餐飲微型創業之環境創新與規劃 以中小型日式創意料理空間為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700532
