  • 學位論文


A Correlation study among CFL Chinese Learning Styles, Learning Strategies, and Chinese Achievement among Indonesian Student at Chinese Department Binus University

指導教授 : 彭妮絲


每個學生在學習華語文的過程中,展現的成就肯定有所不同,因為每個學生都有他們自己採取的學習以及解決學習困難的方式。學生在學習上都有個別差異所在,這些個別差異使得學生展現出不同的學習效率和學習風格。這些在學習上的個別差異對教師的教學和學生的學習發展都有很重要的影響,所以瞭解學生的個別差異有利於教師的教學。換言之,教師若能夠運用適合學生學習風格與學習策略之教學策略,可提升教師的教學效能,並提升學生的學習效能和學習成就。 本研究旨在探討印尼建國大學中文系學生學習華語文的學習風格、學習策略與學習成就之相關。本研究的學習風格是以Reid的學習風格論述,而學習策略則是以Oxford的學習策略論述,亦採用Reid的「知覺學習風格偏好量表,PLSPQ」與Oxford的「語言學習策略量表,SILL」為本研究的研究工具。 本研究以印尼建國大學中文系2009-2013學年度,一年級至四年級學生為研究對象,針對232位中文系大學生進行學習風格與學習策略量表施測,為了瞭解學生的學習風格偏好類型以及其所採取之學習策略,並將學生的學習成就與其學習風格與學習策略施測結果進行比較,瞭解其是否顯著相關。最後研究者提供教師針對學生的學習風格與學習策略的教學策略。 研究發現,印尼建國大學中文系學生傾向以小組風格為學習風格,而學生採取的學習策略是社會策略,這表明學生比較喜歡與他人或者小組一起學習,以互助學習更佳。研究者建議教師可以採用合作式學習法(Cooperative learning learning)為教學策略。合作式學習法是通過小組方式互助合作學習,其善用學生互相幫助的能力,提升學習者的學習成效,亦能夠增進學生的交際能力。 最後,本論文根據研究得出的結果,提出針對印尼建國大學中文系學生在學習上的建議,希望學生對自己的學習風格偏好與喜歡採取的學習策略多加以瞭解,以便吸收、保留並學習新的信息;對教師的教學建議,希望教師可以針對印尼建國大學中文系學生的小組風格與其採取社會策略設計教學策略,以互動方式為主要學習活動,使學生的學習更佳。期望本論文得出的研究結果不僅可以提升印尼建國大學中文系學生在學習上的成就,而且作促進印尼建國大學中文系教育的發展。


Every student certainly demonstrates different achievement in their Chinese language learning process, because every student has their own individual way to take to resolve their problems in learning. In learning process, students’ individual differences exist. These differences lead to different learning speed and learning style of the student. These individual differences has an important influence for teachers’ teaching and the development of student’s learning. So, understanding students’ individual differences is a benefit for teaching. In other words, if teachers can use teaching strategies that match with students’ learning styles and learning strategies, it will enhance effectiveness of the teaching, and also enhance the students' learning effectiveness and their learning achievement. The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation among learning styles, learning strategies, and learning achievement among Indonesian Student at Chinese Department, Binus University. This study is based on Reid’s learning styles theory and Oxford’s learning strategies theory, and also use Reid’s Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire (PLSPQ) and Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) to investigate student’s learning styles and learning strategies. The participants are 2009-2013 academic year first-grade, second grade, third grade and fourth grade students from Chinese Department, Binus University, 232 students took the learning styles and learning strategies measure test. The results of the test are for understanding student’ learning styles and learning strategies preference, and also for comparison of the results with student achievement to see whether it is relevant or not. Finnally, according to the results of this study, researcher provided teachers with teaching strategies that match with student’ learning styles and learning startegies. The main finding of this study is that student’s learning style preference is group style and students were using social strategies as their learning strategy. According to the student learning style and learning strategy preference results, student are prefer to learn together with others or in group and learning in a more interactive way. Researcher suggests that teachers can use cooperative language learning as teaching strategies. Cooperative language learning approach makes students learning through group interaction. This approach emphasis on mutual support and team learning of the students, in order to enhance learning result and students’ communicative competence. Finally, based on the results of research, reseacher give suggestions for Chinese Department of Binus University students in learning, for easier way in order absorb, retain and learn new information, students must be more aware of their learning styles and learning strategies; for teachers in teaching, hope teachers can design teaching strategies that suit Chinese Department of Binus University student’s learning styles and learning strategies, using an interactively learning activities. It is expected that this research not just can enhance student learning achievement, but also for the development of education in Chinese Department of Binus University.


