  • 學位論文


Study on Deposition Effect in Different Velocity of Different Dry Masonary Work

指導教授 : 張德鑫


摘要 近年來因生態保育意識抬頭,河川的生態環境問題已被視為重要課題,生態工程之應用需考量因地制宜及就地取材原則,並需做出整體性的系統考量。國內堤防與護岸,以往多採用混凝土防洪牆,雖能達到防洪效果,但此工法往往會破壞自然生態。 本研究依據卑南溪實際流速、砂石粒徑、坡度與柳枝工的材料等相關資訊進行水工模型試驗。利用水工渠槽,分析垂直魚鱗式、順魚鱗式及逆魚鱗式三種不同之砌石工法,進行清水水理試驗與水力填砂沖淤等試驗,以探討此三種不同砌石工法,於不同流速下其曼寧係數與其他水理特性與參數之變化,做為後續相關設計及水理演算之參考。 根據本研究之實驗可知,採逆魚鱗式砌石工法其流速垂直剖面變化幅度最大,垂直魚鱗式次之,順魚鱗式變化最少;而三種砌石工法之曼寧係數值則以逆魚鱗式為最大,其次為垂直魚鱗式,最小則為順魚鱗式。 當水力沖淤試驗之渠道流量變化由小至大時,順魚鱗式與逆魚鱗式之淤砂粒徑分佈會因流量改變而有不同;小流量時,顆粒大之砂石會沉積在試驗段的前段,隨流量變大,顆粒大砂石會因水力推移作用漸往試驗段後段淤積;但試驗數據顯示其中垂直魚鱗式之淤積砂石粒徑分佈,並不因流量不同而有大變異。


順魚鱗 逆魚鱗 垂直魚鱗


ABSTRACT In recent years, due to the rise of ecological awareness of conservation, ecological and environmental problems has been regarded as an important river issues, application of ecological engineering required to consider local conditions and local materials, and the need to make the overall system considerations. Domestic dikes and revetments, the use of concrete flood wall, although able to reach flood prevention effect, but this construction method tends to destroy the natural ecology. In this study, based on Beinan River actual flow rate, sand grain size, slope and switchgrass workers materials such as information model test. Use hydraulic flume tests to analyzes vertical-scale structure, positive-scale structure and inverse-scale structure three in different stone masonry works to execute the hydraulic model test of clean water and Sand Filled test. To investigate this in three different stone masonry works, the change of Manning coefficient and physical parameters of the water under different velocity of flow for future references. This study know, inverse-scale structure velocity of flow is the biggest changing in vertical section,the second is vertical-scale structure,the least is positive-scale structure;Manning coefficient of three masonary work the biggest is inverse-scale structure, second one is ertical-scale structure, the least is positive-scale structure. When the flow changes from small to large, inverse-scale structure and positive-scale structure sediment size distribution will change, when low flow, large particles of sand will be deposited in the preceding of test section, when the flow becomes large, large particles of sand will be deposited in the rear of test section; But the vertical-scale structure of deposition gravel size distribution won't change ,when the flow changing.


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