  • 學位論文


An Application of MCDM Methods for Outsourcing Strategy Selection in the Beverage Industry

指導教授 : 宮大川


張淑妙(2004)[21]曾以飲料產業為研究對象,提出基於系統化邏輯推論方法所衍生出之委外代工策略性決策模式,使產業在面臨委外代工時,可藉此方法快速了解並檢視企業的核心能力,並找出一個趨勢及參考方向;然而,模式中對於企業如何依照所得結果,對後續所擬定之委外代工替選方案做決策並未有深入之探討,對此,本研究認為有進一步研究之價值存在,故延續張之研究,探討飲料產業在面臨委外代工決策時如何應用有效的方式,納入與決策有關之決定性影響因素、步驟或是程序,同時也考慮如何將這些影響因素,依照企業實際所處環境狀況之不同採取權重評估,提出委外替選方案評價分析,使企業得以客觀、有效地做出決策。 在研究的過程之中,本研究先從不同角度分析飲料產業之特性及所面對的挑戰,然後透過文獻探討不同委外理論之基本內涵,並廣泛收集與整理委外理論所強調之決策關鍵因素,再與飲料產業的現況作關聯性對照與比較。之後,提出可以核心競爭能力、核心資源能力、經濟效益、交易成本、競爭關係、合作關係等六大因素做為發展本決策模式的主要基礎來源。其次,分析現有的多評選決策方法,應用於本研究的優勢性以及可能發生之局限性後,結合分析階層程序法、偏好順序結構評估法等二多評選決策方法,輔助建構委外代工決策模型。模式中以所得之六大因素作為影響委外代工決策的評估準則,先以分析階層程序法確定委外代工決策問題的結構及其評估準則權重,再運用偏好序列結構法對各委外替選方案進行評價分析。最後,本研究以範例探討的方式,說明如何利用本模式,協助飲料業者面臨實際委外代工決策問題時,依照所處環境及目標需求的不同,輔助評價出最適合企業的委外代工方案,藉此呈現本研究之成果。


Shu-Miao Jhang (2001) presented a strategic outsourcing model based on systematic process for the Taiwan Beverage Industry. By this model, enterprises can not only understand and check their core competences quickly but find the future market trend and referable communication while facing strategic outsourcing problems. However, this model did not consider how to make a decision between the alternative actions according to the environment or objects of enterprises for the following. Therefore, we extend Jhang’s research in generalizing and evaluating the weights of key factors affect outsourcing decision making according to the environment or objects of enterprises. It could rank these alternative actions by an effective and impersonal way. Hence, we first analyze the properties and challenges of the Taiwan Beverage Industry in the developed model. And then we review different outsourcing theories, and broadly collect and sort the key elements emphasized in the related literatures. After that, we make a related integration and contrast between them, and generalize six key factors for the foundation of model development, such as Core Competitive Ability, Core Resource Ability, Economic Benefit, Transaction Cost, Competition Relationship and Corporation Relationship,. Finally, we present an outsourcing decision model which is an integration of AHP and PROMETHEE methods after analyzing the trade-off between different MCDM methods applying to this model. In this integrative decision model, we regard the mentioned six key factors as the criteria to evaluate their weights, check the structure of the outsourcing problems by AHP, and rank the alternative actions by PROMETHEE. In addition, we also address an example to be feasible effort by showing our research model.


AHP Outsourcing Beverage Industry PROMETHEE MCDM


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