  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Organizational Political Behavior, Organizational Justice and Employee Loyalty:Interference in the Organization Trust at the Moderator Variable

指導教授 : 諸承明


本研究目的在於探討組織政治行為、組織公正與員工忠誠度之關係,並且以組織信任作為干擾,觀察其對於組織政治行為與組織公正之影響效果。組織政治行為在組織中扮演著無形壓力的角色,組織內頻繁的政治行為會導致員工產生工作焦慮感、降低工作投入與工作滿足感,進而對組織產生恐懼、離職、曠職等負面情緒行為等現象,進而阻礙了工作績效 (Kumar and Ghadially, 1989)。因此,本研究探討員工在職場上感受組織政治行為的程度對於組織公正與員工忠誠度之關係,且以組織信任為干擾,了解其對於組織政治行為與組織公正之干擾效果。 本研究以桃竹苗地區之企業工作者為樣本,共回收228份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為50%。統計分析方法則採用信度分析、描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析及回歸分析等方法,研究結果發現如下: 1.組織政治行為對於員工忠誠度之關係整體而言具有負向關聯性。 2.組織成員知覺組織中政治行為越頻繁,員工則會感受組織越不公正。 3.當組織成員知覺組織的資源分配安排、程序制度及主管互動等方面皆是公正狀況下,對組織的忠誠度則越高。 4.主管信任程度越高,會減緩員工在組織中的政治行為,員工知覺組織的程序公正也越高,主管信任程度越高,會減緩政治行為產生的頻率,而主管對於員工間的 互動也越高。


The Study purpose investigate the organization of political behavior, relationship between organizational justice and loyalty of employees, and to use the truth of organization as interference observed the effect of Organization of Political behavior and Organization Justice. Organization of political behavior play a pressure in organization. Frequent political behavior within the organization will lead to employees feel anxiety, and reduced efficiency of work and job satisfaction, thus the organization fear, resignation, absenteeism and other negative emotional behavior and others hinder job performance.(Kumar and Ghadially, 1989)。 Thus, this study was to investigate the extent of employees feel the organization of political behavior in the workplace for the relationship between organizational justice and loyalty of employees, and take organization trust as interference to understand the interference effect of the organization of political behavior and the organizational justice. In this Study, the enterprise workers sample in Miaoli, Hsinchu , Taoyuan collected 228 valid questionnaires .Among all of them , the effective response rate was 50%. Statistical analysis is used reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, one-way analysis of variance, correlation analysis and regression analysis, the study found the following results: 1. Organization of political behavior for the relationship in terms of employee loyalty as a whole was a negative correlation. 2. The members of the organization perceived that organizational political behavior become more frequently, the staff will feel more unjust. 3. When the member of organization realize the arrangement for Resource allocation of organization, the program systems and interact with manager are all under the fair conditions ,their loyalty will become more higher. 4. If manager have higher degree of trust, it will slow down the political behavior of employees in an organization and employees realize the procedural fairness of organization will become higher. If manager have higher degree of trust, it will slow down the frequency of political behavior, and managers are also higher for interaction among employees.


