  • 學位論文


Development of a Rice Mill with Adjustable Grain Type

指導教授 : 章明


本研究係以開發家用型稻穀碾製機具為目的,利用輾壓摩擦的方式,製作一台長34公分、寬13公分、高32公分的碾米機構,可將稻穀外殼輾壓脫離,再利用彈片的角度控制碾米精度,分別達成碾製糙米、胚芽米與精白米等標的。 碾米機的零件包含入料斗、碾米室、米糠口、出料口、直流馬達、減速機構、碾米軸、碾米篩網、調整碾米精度旋鈕與機身等,其中直流馬達的參數為負載功率200W、電壓220V、頻率50Hz、轉速4800轉/分,搭配3比1的減速機構,輸出轉速為1600轉/分;碾米軸的前半段為螺旋形狀,以增加碾米時接觸的面積,後半段為對稱的兩枚短扇葉,利用離心力帶動稻穀與碾米篩網持續摩擦;碾米篩網為六角形的排糠裝置,利於稻米的翻滾效果,使得稻米能均勻摩擦並利於排糠;而其他零件則是利用繪圖軟體(Creo Elements/Pro)繪製三維零件並以3D列印方式製作。   本系統需進行二次製程步驟,第一次碾製時,彈片控制刻度為0~2等區間,可製成糙米,再使用第一次碾製所得出的糙米進行第二次碾製,彈片控制刻度為0~6等區間可製成胚芽米,彈片控制刻度為7~12等區間可製成精白米。實驗結果顯示,第一次碾製精度平均可達97.3%以上,第二次碾製精度平均可達99.6%以上。


碾米機 輾壓 螺旋 排糠裝置


The purpose of the study is to develop a versatile rice milling machine, with roller compaction and rubbing mechanisms, to grind different rice grain varieties for household use. The rice mill construction consists of three components: a DC motor, a grinding core, and feeder and hulled rice receptacle. The DC motor supplies the kinetic energy to power the machine. It can be operated using 110 V or 220 V supply voltages. The roller compaction and grinding core are built from stainless steel. These are connected directly to the feed nozzle and discharge valve. The raw and milled rice grains are respectively, sorted into the feeder and output receptacle. The feeder, rice receptacle and main housing are designed using the graphics software (Creo Elements/Pro) and then 3D printed on polylactic acid (PLA) material. To achieve a polished rice grain, the milling process can be operated in two steps. The rice mill is initially set to a reduction control scale of 0 to 2 in order to remove the hull layer from the raw rice grains. Then, the control scale is adjusted up to 6 to remove the bran layer before finally adjusting the scale from 7 to 12 to achieve a completely polished surface. The experimental results show that an accuracy of 97.3% is achieved on the initial grinding, while 99.6% accuracy of well-polished rice is obtained. Because of the rice mill machine is lightweight, low-cost, and therefore has minimal environmental footprint, it can be used as a good alternative to the bulky rice hulling machines.


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