  • 學位論文


The Impact of Opinion Leaders on Consumer's Cognitive value

指導教授 : 李明彥 丁姵元


行銷的範疇中有許多因素可以影響成功與否,其中口碑行銷為消費者最重視的資訊來源之一,也是廠商最重視的傳播途徑。根據傳播學中的二級傳播,資訊先由大眾媒體流至關鍵意見領袖,再由關鍵意見領袖傳播給社會大眾。因網路社群媒體的成熟使得關鍵意見領袖影響程度越趨升高,讓許多企業看上此行銷機會,使關鍵意見領袖成為了現在行銷人員需要重視的課題。 過去研究多著重在關鍵意見領袖的人格特質分析,且關鍵意見領袖之於行銷方面的發展較少。因此本研究主要探討以下三點:第一,分析意見領袖的特性後,兩種不同類型的意見領袖會產生何種效果;第二,在不同意見領袖類型的情境中,消費者的購買動機是否會增強或減弱;最後,消費者會不會對意見領袖產生情緒而影響消費動機。以上三點陳述,本研究採用實驗驗證法分析關鍵意見領袖對於消費者的影響力:將受測者帶入專業教室,觀看意見領袖的投影片時錄製表情,後續填答有關產品參考價格、購買意願的問卷。表情分析使用FaceReader 8.0軟體測量情緒的變化,綜合比較分析出關鍵意見領袖在行銷領袖的可行性。 本研究果發現,意見領袖確實能夠影響消費者的情緒以及參考價格,使關鍵意見領袖的選擇越趨重要。藉此研究行銷人員可以利用此結果,去篩選出適當的意見領袖並配對出最佳的產品代言,調整促銷與行銷計畫,進一步接觸、了解關鍵意見領袖,讓關鍵意見領袖在行銷上發揮最大功效,並影響更多的消費大眾,使行銷策略能夠達到事半功倍之效。


In the field of marketing, there are many factors that can affect the success or failure. Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most important information sources for consumer and is also an important communication channels for manufacturer. According to Two-step flow of communication, information will be streamed by the mass media to the key opinion leaders, and then transmitted to the public by key opinion leaders. With the maturity of online social media, the influence of the key opinion leaders is increasing, and many enterprises are interested in this marketing opportunity. Therefore, the key opinion leaders have become an important issue for the marketers. In the past, most research focused on the analysis of the personality traits of the key opinion leaders. Moreover, the studies about the development of the key opinion leaders in marketing are rare. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the following three statements: first, it could find out the effects after analyzing and comparing the characteristics of the two key opinion leaders; second, under the situation of two different types of the key opinion leaders, we will gain more insights on the potential factors that influence the consumers’ purchasing motivation; finally, by capturing subtle facial expression changes, we are able to establish a linkage between consumers’ emotions and their consumption motivation. Base on the above statements, we will use the Experimental Verification Method to analyze the influence of the key opinion leaders on the consumers: the participant watching the slides of the key opinion leaders in the professional classroom and their expressions will be recorded at the same time. Afterwards, they will fill out a questionnaire about the product price and the purchase intention. We analyze the facial expression and the emotional changes via FaceReader 8.0. By using this result to synthesize the feasibility of the key opinion leaders in marketing. The empirical results found that the key opinion leaders can indeed influence consumers' emotions and the reference prices. It shows that the proper choice of key opinion leaders for promoting the product is more important than ever. The marketing researchers should select the appropriate key opinion leaders to match the best endorsement product and adjust their promotion and marketing plan by this result. In sum, through the contacts with the key opinion leaders is to help us to understand their impacts well. It’s show that they may exert their maximum effectiveness to influence more and more consumers. It also shows that the proper key opinion leaders may make the marketing strategy to achieve the effect by getting twice the result with half the effort.


一、 中文部分
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