  • 學位論文


Factors and differences of flow experience and immersion in different virtual reality spaces

指導教授 : 謝淳鈺


在這科技發展速度飛速的現今,許多產業逐漸走向了數位、虛擬化,其中更以虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)這項技術討論度最高。虛擬實境之所以吸引人,在於它所具備的互動(Interaction)、沉浸(Immersion)以及想像(Imagination)三個特點簡稱3I,三個特點於虛擬實境中所扮演的角色皆不同,不過其中有一項卻是一直以來大家所討論的重點,這點就是沉浸感。空間的感受會受到空間的性質有所影響,在不同的色彩、視角、構圖等因子下,空間所帶來的感受度皆不相同,而感受度會影響沉浸感的強弱,由此可知沉浸感與空間之間確實存在著某些關聯。 以上述為基礎本研究提出了兩個問題(1)虛擬實境遊戲中影響沉浸感的主要因子為何?;(2)不同類型的虛擬遊戲空間中的空間感受與沉浸感間的關聯性與差異為何?為回應研究問題,本研究將研究分為了兩個步驟,步驟一將以問卷調查的方式進行,實驗的方式為描述性調查法(Narrative/Survey),受測人透過回憶過去曾經歷過的感受度進行問卷的填寫,此階段為針對虛擬實境空間中的心流因子進行初步了解的前導實驗,步驟二是以步驟一的實驗結果為基礎,修正實驗中所遇到的研究限制後,以更加精確的活動調查法(Active/Survey)做為正式實驗的調查方法,此階段的問卷在設計上除了原有的心流因子外,額外加入了空間的相關因子,除了更準確的了解虛擬實境空間中各項心流因子的感受強度外,更進一步的探討空間與沉浸感的關聯性。透過以上兩個步驟將可以了解到各項心流因子於虛擬實境中感受度的強弱,以及影響虛擬實境沉浸感的主要因子,而在以此結果進一步的了解比較不同空間中的差異。 研究結果有二:(1)虛擬實境遊戲中影響心流狀態的因子,體驗前期許軟體所具備的因子為自成目標經驗,挑戰與技能的平衡在體驗前的因子中為最低,體驗後的感受最高的因子為自我意識的喪失,全神貫注於活動感受度為最低;(2)心流因子根據軟體性質及呈現方式的不同而有所差異,差異如下:造成差異的原因中也包含了軟體中空間的表現方式,經過本研究的實驗後發現的結果,空間與心流的產生具有相當大的關聯,靜態、半動態、動態三種類型空間中,心流感受度高的因子較有差異,感受度低的部分較為一致,其中以動態與半動態遊戲整體感受度較為接近,靜態遊戲與另外兩者有明顯的差別。進一步經過相關分析,分析心流因子與空間因子間的關聯性後,發現了即便是不同類型的空間,也有部分因子同時出現在了三種類型的軟體之中,心流的感受會受到空間因子的影響而有所差異,其中空間感有三項因子:(1)動態立體視覺效果;(2)配置與其他感官知覺;(3)理解組織架構,存在感有一項因子: (1)感受反映共四項空間因子為主要影響心流的因子。


With the advance of technology, digitalization and virtualization are widely applied to various industries nowadays.Among those technologies, Virtual reality (VR) especially encouraged widespread discussions. Virtual reality is appealing for its three features: interaction, immersion and imagination which abbreviated to “3I”. The feature “immersion” is vital for many researches studying VR. Perceptions toward spaces with different characteristics affect the level of one’s immersion in VR. Simultaneously, Space perceptions are also affected by factors such as colors, compositions and Perspectives of the experiencer. It inferred that a sort of relevance exists between immersion and spaces. Based on the states above, this research raised two questions: First, What are the main factors that affects immersion in VR games? Second, What are the relevances and the differences between space perceptions and immersion in different types of VR games? This research conducted a narrative survey as the pilot test, A questionnaire survey was distributed to respondents to preliminarily find out what the factors affect an experiencer’s flow in VR spaces are. Active Survey is applied in the second step constructed on the basis of the former step in order to exclude the limitations. The questionnaire contains the flow factors found before and factors of spaces additionally added so as to identify the extents of effects from flow factors in VR and to discover the relevances and differences between immersion and spaces. Experimental results show that Before playing the VR games, Subjects expect the “autotelic experience” factor could be experienced in games instead of the “challenge skill balance” factor. Nevertheless, the main flow factor experienced is “loss of self consciousness” factor, and the“concentration on the task at hand” factor has the least effect on the subjects. Different flow factors affect the experience in a VR game based on its space characters and the appearances. The relevances and greater differences between space and flow show in three types of spaces: static, semi-dynamic and dynamic ones. The result also suggest s that the experiment on semi-dynamic games shows greater consistency in flow factors. On the contrary, significant differences in flow factors were found between the static and the dynamic games, and high flow factors vary more distinctively from individual subjects than the lower ones. Furthermore, Same flow factors were found in all three types of games. The level of flow in VR games is primarily affected by four factors. The space factors are ”dynamic visual effects”, ”extent other perceptions”, ”logic reasoning”, and the presense words? Factor ”reaction reflection ”.


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