  • 學位論文

匯率報酬率風險值評估 —線性與非線性模型之比較

Value at Risk of Exchange Rate Return: A comparison among linear and nonlinear evaluation models

指導教授 : 吳博欽


摘要 近來美國的次級房貸風暴對國際金融產生一連串的衝擊效應,甚至延續到目前的全球金融大海嘯,雖然確切的影響層面仍在發展中,各國政府也持續高度觀察此議題,但可以確定的是,匯率走勢更加難以預測,且面對匯率風險乃在所難免。因此,建立一套數量化的匯率風險管理系統,以提供面對匯率風險者採取適當的避險策略是相當重要的。雖然國內外已有許多文獻針對匯率部分計算其風險值,且比較各種計算VaR模型之優劣,以作為風險控管的依據,但較少文獻將評估匯率風險值的重點聚焦在匯率預測上。理論上,匯率預測能力愈佳,所對應的VaR理應較精確。因此,本研究嘗試將非線性的概念運用到匯率預測上,尋求最適的匯率預測模型,再透過VaR模型探討匯率報酬率的風險值。 本研究主要應用Teräsvirta and Anderson(1992)提出的STAR族模型線性檢定法,分別檢定貨幣基要(monetary fundamentals;MF)模型與時間序列AR模型是否存在STR與STAR的調整行為,並預測1999年1月至2008年11月期間,英鎊、日元與歐元兌美元之匯率報酬率,進而評估匯率報酬率VaR。 實證結果顯示,在MF模型方面,只有日圓存在STR模型的型式,且適用logistic函數來表示;AR模型中,英鎊與歐元存在STAR模型的型式,且分別適用logistic函數與exponential函數表示。在樣本內估計方面,ST(A)R模型相較線性模型提供較佳的配適度,至於在樣本外預測上,大致上可以看出英鎊與日圓可以利用非線性模型來分析匯率報酬率風險值,但歐元可能利用貨幣學派模型來分析匯率報酬率風險值會較佳。


Abstract Recently the Subprime Mortgage Crisis in the United States has caused a series of impact on the international finance. Although the impact is still going on, each government stresses this issue highly. Under this new environment it is more difficult to predict the exchange rate and exchange rate risk. Although some literature has evaluated the VaR of exchange rate and compared their performance, few of them focused on the forecasting of exchange rate. Theoretically the more forecasting performance the exchange rate forecasting model is, the less VaR error it will. This study attempts to find out the more optimal model for predicting exchange rate return, and verifies whether its VaR measure is more better. This paper employs the STAR family models (STAR and STR), advocated by Teräsvirta and Anderson(1992), to test the nonlinearities of monetary fundamentals (MF) model and AR model; forecast exchange rate return, and further to evaluate exchange rate risk by VaR model. Sample period spans from January1999 to November 2008. Sample objects are the exchange rate returns of USD/GBP and USD/JPY and USD/EUR. Empirical study shows that USD/JPY satisfies the logistic STR model in the linearity tests of MF model; USD/GBP and USD/EUR satisfy the logistic STAR model and exponential STAR model in the linearity tests of AR model. ST(A)R models all provide better goodness in fit than linear models. Besides, this study also compares the out-of-sample forecasting performance of linear and ST(A)R models. USD/GBP and USD/JPY are appropriate to adopt nonlinear model in evaluating VaR, but USD/EUR is appropriate to adopt MF model in evaluating VaR.


