  • 學位論文


The Effect of Brand Equity and Experiential Marketing on Purchasing Intention of Skin Care Product :Using Gender as a Segment Variable

指導教授 : 李正文


近年來,對於保養的問題,競爭延燒到男性的市場。因為除了女性之外,男性亦愈來愈注重臉部的保養,許多知名大廠看準此商機,紛紛推出男性保養品。購買保養品前,一般女性最重視的就是試用及服務人員解說;相對於女性,男性則較趨向於目標性購買,意即男性消費者較不願意花費更多的時間在選擇及體驗上。在這樣的差異下,男性及女性對於保養品品牌的重視程度及試用後的感覺是否對購買意願之影響有所差異,是值得深入探討的。 體驗行銷並不完全是一種廉價的行銷方式,它是一種更高級的服務行銷。近年來消費者在選購商品時所注重的已不再只是商品本身,而是在消費過程中所經歷的體驗,而保養除了訴求品牌之外、體驗行銷也很重要。因此本研究以男性及女性消費者在接受體驗行銷後,是否會增加對產品的知覺價值,產生的知覺價值是否有差異,進而驗證保養品的體驗行銷對於不同性別的行銷效果是否有差異。 男性及女性對於保養品品牌的重視程度及試用後的感覺是否對購買意願之影響有所差異,是值得深入探討的。因此,本研究想探討品牌權益及體驗行銷對男性及女性購買意願的影響是否有所差異。 本研究搜集310份有效問卷,其中男性有效問卷為145份,女性有效問卷為165份。並使用結構方程模式(SEM)來檢驗本研究觀念性架構之各項假說。結構方程模式主要在測試兩類模式,其一為測量模型,此模型的目的在於說明觀察變項是如何地測量潛在變項,其構成的數學模型量驗證性因素分析。其二為結構模型,此模型的目的則在於辨認潛在變項之間的因果關係。 研究結果發現男性及女性都很重視品牌權益,其中男性又比女性更重視品牌權益,在體驗行銷方面,本研究發現男性並不重視體驗行銷,女性則很重視體驗行銷,原因在於男性在選購保養品時喜歡有「專業空間」與「一次解決」的特性,怕麻煩與不好意思,較不願意浪費時間在挑選保養品上及服務人員的解說上,所以會更重視保養品之品牌。故保養品產業可以針對男性所需要的「專業空間」與「一次解決」的特性做調整。


Female buying skin care products is common now. However, the skin care products for male market is increasing recently, and there are many male starting to use skin care products. Accordingly, it becomes more and more important to understand whether brand equity attract purchasing intention for male and female. Brand equity and trying sample experience is important for customers when they purchase skin care products. What is the difference between male and female on brand equity and experiential marketing. Whether brand equity and experiential marketing cause the difference of purchasing intention to male and female. In this research, we study the industry of skin care products. We collected 310 valid samples of questionnaires. The valid samples of questionnaires of male are 145. The valid samples of questionnaires of female are 165. We analyze these collected questionnaires by using SEM model. This is my research purpose: Firstly, to explore whether brand equity influent perceived value. Secondly, to explore whether experiential marketing influent perceived value. Thirdly, to explore whether perceived value influent purchase intention. Fourthly, to explore whether the difference of brand equity influent perceived value on gender. Finally, to explore whether the difference of experiential marketing influent perceived value on gender. The research result is male and female pay attention to brand equity. Male pay much attention to brand equity than female. And female pay much attention to experiential marketing, but male don’t. Because male would not like to spend much time on choosing skin care products, so they pay much attention to brand equity. The industry of skin care products can be aimed at specialty space and all in one skin care product to adjust.


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