  • 學位論文


A study of the present situation of information education on elementary schools in Taoyuan county

指導教授 : 袁媛


桃園縣國小資訊教育課程實施現況之調查研究 中原大學教育研究所碩專班科學教育組 學生:林德銘 指導教授:袁媛博士 中文摘要 本研究主要探討國民小學資訊教育課程實施的現況,透過對桃園縣國小資訊課程教師來瞭解這些議題,以整理出目前資訊教育課程規劃的情形、實施的內容及實施的困難之處。 本研究主要採用調查問卷為研究工具,在桃園縣選取公立國小共93校作為問卷調查的對象,回收了194份有效問卷。本研究先對資訊種子學校採用立意取樣,所有訊種子學校皆為抽樣對象,其餘非種子學校再隨機取樣。採用的統計方法有:次數分配及百分比與交叉分析,進行資料的描述。 根據上述研究分析而獲致的結果,歸納如下: 一、桃園縣公立國小有93.3%的學校有安排學生資訊課程教學進度表,未安排資訊課程教學進度表以小型學校比例較高,若非專任資訊課程教師,較不清楚學校是否有編列資訊課程教學進度表。 二、大、中型學校在資訊課程內容決定的方式,皆以「資訊課程教師一起討論決定」為主要的方式,而小型學校資訊課程內容決定的方式以「由課發會討論決定」與「授課教師自行決定」為主要的方式。 三、種子學校決定資訊課程內容的方式較為多元且平均,非種子學校則傾向以資訊課程教師一起討論決定。 四、資訊組長(或負責人)在安排課程內容進度時,較會根據學校的經費、軟硬體設施來考量,但專任資訊教師或是其他科任教師兼資訊課程則多數以選用的電腦課本為考量。 五、「課程綱要」為學校資訊課程內容設計之主要考量因素,除此之外,大、中型學校教師以「學生的先備經驗」、「選用的電腦課本」為主要考量因素,但小型學校以「授課教師本身專長」、「學校的經費、軟硬體設施」為主要考量因素。 六、有看過九年一貫資訊課程綱要的教師有 80.9%,沒有看過綱要的教師有19.1%,且未閱讀過資訊課程綱要的資訊教師,其職務多為「班級導師兼資訊課程」。 七、資訊課程教師使用教材主要來源為:「坊間出版教材」與「教師自編教材」,但大、中型學校教師使用坊間出版教材較多,自編教材較少,而小型學校教師使用教師自編教材較多,坊間出版教材較少。 八、「網路智慧財產權、網路禮節、資訊倫理、網路交友規範的瞭解」為三至六年級資訊課程教師共同安排的課程,中年級資訊課程以認識電腦、網路及簡易的文書處理軟體為主,高年級資訊課程以日常生活實用性質為主。 九、自由軟體使用率提高。 十、從課程、設備、經費、教師、學生五方面來探討資訊教育課程實施困境。 最後,根據研究分析討論的結果,提出一些改善的方式與建議,供各相關單位與未來研究之參考。 關鍵字:資訊教育、資訊課程、資訊教師


A study of the present situation of information education on elementary schools in Taoyuan county Abstract This study is to investigate the present situation of information education in elementary schools of Taoyuan county. A questionnaire was designed and sent to elementary schools teachers who teach information technology class. A total of 194 questionnaires responded from teachers of 93 elementary schools in Taoyuan county were collected. The major findings are summarized as follows: 1. 93.3% of the elementary schools in Taoyuan county have made teaching schedules for information technology curriculum. Small-sized schools seemed to have a higher proportion of teachers who responded that schools have not made the teaching schedules. Those who are not full-time information technology teachers are unclear whether the schools have made teaching schedule. 2. In large and medium-sized schools, the major way to decide the content of information technology curriculum is discussing together by information technology teachers. However, the content is decided by the curriculum development commission or by the teachers in small-sized schools. 3. The I. T. Seed Schools decide the course content is diversely and equally. But the non- I. T. Seed Schools prefer to decide by information technology teachers. 4. The IT team leader (or person in charge) in the arrangements for the progress of the course content, will consider on the basis of school funding, hardware and software facilities. However, full-time IT teachers or other teachers will consider on the basis of the computer textbooks. 5.“Syllabus” is the main point for the design of the information technology curriculum. In addition, large and medium-sized school teachers also take the " student’s pre-experience" and "computer textbooks" as the main factor, but "the teacher’s special skills", "funding, software and hardware facilities in school" are the main considerations in small schools. 6. 80.9% of the teachers have seen the nine-year syllabus of information technology curriculum. The information technology teachers who did not read the syllabus are almost tutors. 7. The major source of teaching materials are the bookshops and the teachers. However, large and medium-sized schools use more the teaching materials which were edited by the bookshops than the teacher-made materials. On the other hand, the small schools use more the materials that are edited by the teachers themselves. 8. The courses, “intellectual property rights in internet”, ”courtesy in internet”, ”morality of information technology”, ”rules for making friends in internet”, are arranged by the teachers who teach the third to sixth grade students. It is the major point to enable the medium-grade students understand “the Computer”, “the Internet” and simple “Word Processing Software”. And the practicality in daily life is the main point for the high-grade students. 9. The ratio of using free software is increased. 10. In aspects of the curriculum, equipment, funding, teachers and students to explore the plight of the implementation of information technology curriculum. Finally, recommendations are suggested for relevant government departments and further research. Keyword:Information technology education; Information technology curriculum; Information technology teacher.


