  • 學位論文


Portable Emergence System Based on a Mobile Phone

指導教授 : 張政元


由於患有失智症的病患及老人,通常都較不具有照顧自己的能力,只要家人稍不留神,可能就會發生失智病患或老人走失的情形,並發生危急的狀況,而本研究目的為架構一套應用在手機上的緊急求救系統,使手機具有更多的價值,並且也不需要額外購買昂貴的GSM模組。除了可於緊急狀況下可向外呼救,在失智老人外出時,家屬也可以透過本系統隨時掌握/追蹤目前老人的所在位置,以降低老人走失的機率。 本系統主要是利用全球行動通信系統(Global System for Mobile Communication;GSM) 中所擁有的『短訊息服務』(Short Message Service; SMS)特性,並結合全球衛星定位系統(Global Position System;GPS) 所擷取出的數據資料,包括經緯度及時間,設計出具有可回報位置資料功能的求助系統;並且應用液晶顯示器(Liquid Crystal Display;LCD)進行方向導航與相對位置距離的顯示,使本系統兼具主動性導航和發送求助訊息等功能。系統是架構在Nokia 3310手機上,並利用手機本身原有的GSM模組與LCD模組,外加GPS模組及電子羅盤透過單晶片控制進行整合,保有手機原有的各項功能,經由功能切換選擇手機模式或求助系統模式。本研究之求救系統較傳統被動式協尋的求助系統方式優,具有主動式導航與求助功能,希望能強化對失智症病患及老人的照護。


Dementia patients and elderly people usually lack full ability of self-caring, so they are likely to get lost and get trapped in emergency situations due to unintentional carelessness of their families. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to construct an emergency calling system on cell phone; it provides a value-added advantage for cell phone, also avoids extra cost for expensive GSM modules. In addition to calling help under emergency situations, families of dementia elderly people can track present locations of the elderly while they are moving, such that the probability of missing can be effectively reduced. The proposed emergency calling system provides a design which is capable of reporting location data by integrating SMS (Short Message Service) characteristic in GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) and data extracted from GPS (Global Position System), including the information about longitude, latitude and time. With LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) adopted to display orientation navigation, relative locations and distances, the system also provides functions of active navigation and sending help message. The system constructs on a Nokia 3310 cell phone; it integrates the original GSM module and LCD module of the cell phone itself, as well as add-on GPS module and electric campus, through the control of an SOC. All original functions of the cell phone are kept, and a function switch between a cell phone mode and an emergency call mode is provided. With value-added functions of active navigation and help-calling, the emergency calling system of this research is superior to conventional passive search methodology; therefore the emergency calling system can, with sincere wish, help to enhance caring for dementia patients and elderly people.




[14]LOCOSYS, “LS2002x Series Datasheet”.
[1]內政部統計處 http://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/index.aspx
