  • 學位論文


A Study on Gold Price Forecast Model

指導教授 : 何瓊芳


自70年代開始,各國政府均減少對黃金價格之干預,因此,黃金價格變成由市場供需所操控。對黃金投資人而言,最關心的莫過於市場上黃金價格的走勢,同時,對價格作出準確的判斷是獲利的基礎,因此,如何準確的預測出黃金價格的走勢成了部分學者致力研究的目標。自2001年發生恐怖攻擊事件到2004年美國發生次級房貸風暴導致經濟普遍低迷,隨著美元走弱,加上近年黃金的供不應求,導致黃金價格的連連上漲,因此,準確預測黃金價格更能保障投資人不會虧損。 本研究以1986年1月至2008年12月的美元匯率、消費者物價指數、原油價格、美國聯邦資金利率作為實證模式之變數並建立一個複迴歸並導入虛擬變數的模式,預測2008年1月至12月的黃金價格;除此之外,本研究亦將鄧聚龍教授於1982年所提出的灰色理論中的灰色預測模式用以預測黃金的價格走勢,接著以RMSE、MAPE以及Theil’s U 三種預測績效評估指標作為預測模式之績效評估之標準加以比較兩種模式樣本外預測(ex-post)之績效。由實證結果可以發現以MAPE以及Theil’s U兩評估績效方法能夠得到灰色預測之RGM(1,1)以及複迴歸模式的預測能力皆為優良,但是,灰色預測模式的結果仍明顯優於複迴歸模式的預測結果,故可以藉此結果推測灰色預測之RGM(1,1)模式的預測能力較佳。


黃金價格 複迴歸 灰色預測


As many governments had reduced the intervention of gold price since 1970, the gold price became manipulate by market forces. The trend of gold price in the market is the most important consideration for the investors of the gold, and serves as the basis of gaining profit, so there are scholars who try to forecast the gold price accurately in nowadays. Owing to the terrorist attack and the U.S. subprime mortgage crises, worldwide economy suffers from recession. In addition, as U.S. dollar depreciated, and the gold supply was insufficient to meet the demand recently, so the gold price is rising recently. It is good if may forecast the gold price to avoid the investment loss. My research first applies the exchange rate, the U.S. consumer price index, oil price, Federal interest rate as the explanatory variables to set up a multiple regression model with the dummy variables to forecast gold price. Monthly data of the gold price from January to December 2008 are used in the study. Besides, the research also uses the grey forecasting model of which Deng proposed in 1982 to forecast the trend of gold price. Then three kinds of forecasting model including RMSE, MAPE, and Theil’s U were conducted to compare with these two models. From the study, one may find that both the grey forecasting and multiple regression models predict gold price very well, but the result of grey forecasting model is better than multiple regression model’s in forecasting gold price.


a Unit Root. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Volume 74, 427-431.


