  • 學位論文


Strategic Research for Promoting Servicizing to Enterprise

指導教授 : 顧志遠


近年來,「綠色」與「科技」已經從對立轉變為對話,環境保障議題也逐漸由單一的環保觀念擴展到消費者、製造供應鏈管理及商品研發,當高科技產品不斷問世的同時,整體環境的污染也隨之加劇,並蔓延為全球性的問題。各國及廠商逐漸重視污染防治與廢棄物處理的問題,面對全球化的溫室效應、臭氧層破洞與資源耗竭等危機,綠色科技逐漸成為未來科技發展的共識。 「產品服務化(servicizing)」以提供產品功能來滿足消費需求的方式,減少產品的總生產量、促使產品環境化的設計,並透過產品及物料或零件的重覆使用及再製,提高資源的使用效率、減少資源的消費及廢棄物的產生,以達到去物質化的目標,進而改善產品生命週期中對環境的衝擊。 目前歐盟推動的整合性產品政策(Integrated Product Policy, IPP),是透過提昇資源使用效率和減少能源消費的方式,持續改善產品生命週期的環境績效;而延長生產者責任(Extended Producer Responsibility, EPR),則是在鼓勵企業的回收和再製活動。兩者的最終目的皆是在達到去物質化(dematerialization)的目標。而在去物質化的做法上,目前最有創意的概要屬「產品服務化」(servicizing)的概念了。 本研究首先從文獻中瞭解「產品服務化」、整合性產品政策、延長生產者責任相關文獻及目前各國的研究推動情形以及成功的案例,除了分析各國推動產品服務化概念的相關政策經驗、簡介目前國際上成功推動的企業案例;本論文從目前台灣咖啡機業者企業中,挑選八家個案公司為主要的研究對象,針對產品服務化的情形進行探討。另外,由於產品服務化推動具有區域發展屬性及產業屬性,本研究進一步針對各案例瞭解產品服務化在國內推動的可行性,以做為企業推行策略研擬之參考。


In recent years, the concept of ”Green ” and “Technology” has transformed from opposition into conversation, furthermore, environmental issues have expanded from a single concept to consumers, manufacturing supply chain management and product development. Along with produced High Tech products, the environment has suffered from increasingly serious pollution and it becomes a global problem. Global corporations take pollution protection and management of wasting assets seriously; Facing global Greenhouse effect, Ozone Hole and Energy Crisis, “Green Technology” is becoming gradually a common conception for developing technology in the future. Servicizing meets consumption requirements by providing product functions, decreasing produced volume and facilitating the conception of “Design for Environment”. Servicizing enhances usage efficiency and decreases source consumption together with produced wasting assets by means of re-use and re-production, to reach the goals of dematerialization, meanwhile, to reduce the products impact to environment. At present, EU has facilitated lots of policies and regulations, such as Integrated Product Policy (IPP), by enhancing energy usage and decreasing energy consumption to improve environment protection of product lifecycle continuously; Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), by encouraging corporations to implement re-use and re-production. Dematerialization is the goal of both IPP and EPR. Currently, Servicizing is regarded as the most innovative concept for Dematerialization. This study starts from the conceptions of Servicizing, IPP, EPR and successful case studies in global gained by literature reviewing, after that, the research subject is coffee machine makers for studying the implementation on Servicizing. At the results, the study will analyze the feasibility of implement Servicizing in Taiwan with the major findings, which may provide as a reference for corporation.


Servicizing Dematerialization EPR IPP


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