  • 學位論文


Identification of protein foulant in membrane bioreactor

指導教授 : 游勝傑 黃郁慈


活性污泥膜濾法(Membrane bioreactor)在操作時產生之薄膜積垢問題會造成透膜壓力上昇。薄膜通量下降以及增加操作與維護的支出,是MBR無法廣泛應用之限制因子。許多文獻均指出薄膜積垢主要是由胞外聚合物所組成(Extracellular Polymeric Substances,EPS),EPS由蛋白質、碳水化合物、腐植質、核酸及脂質所組成,其中又以蛋白質最為主要。近年許多研究均針對蛋白質做定量分析,以期能夠發現其與薄膜積垢之關聯性,未有研究針對薄膜積垢之蛋白質進行定性分析,因此本研究於反應槽內置入PAN、PVDF及PTFE不同材質之薄膜,再以生物技術對薄膜積垢物之蛋白質種類進行鑑定,並一併探討膜材特性與蛋白質之關聯性。實驗結果發現薄膜表面之形態(孔洞形式、大小、表面粗糙度)會影響積垢物的生成,透過分析薄膜表面蛋白質分子量的分佈,發現孔洞較大之薄膜表面,小分子量蛋白質比例較高;薄膜表面親疏水性對所黏附上之蛋白質親疏水性並無顯著關連,且黏附於薄膜表面之蛋白質絕大部份皆屬於疏水性蛋白質。積垢物中具轉譯功能之蛋白質佔了29~58%,而由蛋白質位於原細菌位置來看,發現黏附於薄膜表面屬細菌內部之蛋白質佔67%以上,可能與細菌老化水解有關。未來可應用此鑑定技術分析薄膜表面之積垢物,以降低積垢物對MBR操作之不良影響,以利MBR之發展應用。


Development of membrane bioreactors has been limited by problems of membrane fouling, which will decrease the flux but increase the TMP (trans-membrane pressure) and cost for maintenance and operation. Many literature has indicated the major constituent of fouling is extracellular polymeric substances(EPS) which is composed by protein, carbohydrate, humic substances, nucleic acid and lipid. And,the most part of EPS is protein. Recently, many research has aimed at the quantitative analysis of protein in order to find out the relationship between protein and membrane fouling. However, no research focuses on the qualitative analysis of protein. Therefore, this research set membrane of different material(PAN,PVDF,PTFE) in the reactor, and performed biological technique to identify the species of proteins on fouling and discuss the relativity of protein and materials. Results showed the surface morphology of membrane(pore formation, size, roughness) will affect the forming of fouling.We analyzed the distribution of the molecular weight of protein and found out the membranous surface with larger pores will cause higher ratio of small protein to aggregate. There is no significant connection between species of proteins and hydrophilicity or hydrophobicity of surface , while hydrophobic protein aggregated on the surface more easier than hydrophilic protion. The location of 29%~58% of protein with functions relation to translation. More than 67% of protein located within bacteria, this may be related to the lysis of bacteria. We will apply our research to identity surface foulant of membranes and reduce fouling effect on MBR.


material EPS Membrane bioreactor Protein fouling


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