  • 學位論文


Human Resources, Foreign Labor and Economic Growth

指導教授 : 林師模


人力資本所誘發的技術進步早已為勞動經濟及經濟成長領域中重要的議題,透過人力資本的累積,可以提升人類的知識與能力,進而提高勞動生產力,而勞動生產力愈高,相同投入所能帶來的產業產值也愈大。隨著經濟的成長,產業產值提高導致對勞動的需求也隨之增加,當勞動的供給數量不足以因應生產所需時,便會影響到整個經濟體系的生產活動,產生經濟成長遲滯的現象;在這種情況下,必須透過勞動生產力的提升,降低對勞動的依賴,抑或是引進適量的外籍勞動補足勞動缺口,才有機會加速經濟成長的腳步。不過,經濟的發展不能只仰賴勞動,還需要有其他資源的投入,因此除了勞動外,如何偵測可能的瓶頸資源並提前因應,亦為重要的課題。 本研究以1991~2004年的產業關聯表為基礎,估算1991~2004年之間的產業替代係數 (R值) 及加工深度係數 (S值) ,再以RAS方法推估我國2005~2015年的投入係數表,據以分別建立靜態及動態資源利用及規劃模型。接著,利用歷史資料推估各產業部門單位產值所需之勞動人數 (勞動投入係數) 及各勞動職類間之轉職人數,將之納入多部門資源利用及規劃模型,並利用靜態模型評估2009年及2015年的可能瓶頸部門及可能的瓶頸資源;同時也進一步利用動態模型分析2004年至2015年的勞動需求及配置,分析在考量勞動職業轉換、外籍勞動與本國勞動之間存在不同替代率,以及勞動生產力提高等情境下經濟體系所可能產生的變化。 研究結果顯示,在靜態模型分析部分,2009年及2015年可能的瓶頸資源主要為體力操作工,顯示引進適量的外籍藍領勞動有其必要;另外,雖然在目前所推估的農業用水移轉量下,在2009年時水資源尚有剩餘,但是到2015年則可能會出現不足的現象。在動態模型部分,模擬結果顯示,促進特定型態勞動職業轉換的政策,將可以提高經濟成長,顯示藉由職業訓練補助計畫降低職業轉換成本,將對經濟成長有正面的效益。不過,並不是所有的勞動都轉往更高階職類就是最好,仍需考量各職業類別中是否有足夠的就業機會,以免轉業之後造成更多的失業人口。除此之外,基於外籍勞動與本國勞動之間是替代性與互補性並存,適度的引進外籍勞動雖可以解決國內基層勞工不足的問題,進而提高產業產值,然而,當外籍勞動與本國勞動之間的僱用成本差距愈大,外籍勞動對於本國勞動的排擠就愈明顯。至於在人力資本方面,透過教育及勞動職業訓練,可以有效提高勞動的生產力,進而提高經濟成長,因此,政府應持續進行人力投資,唯有提高人力素質才能促使經濟永續的發展,同時也能降低對勞動的過度依賴。


The human capital-induced technical progress has been regarded as one of the most important sources of economic growth for a long time. When human capital accumulates, knowledge and ability level improves which raises labor productivity and, hence, the output level of industries. As the economy grows, the demand of labor will increase, and when there is insufficient labor to meet the requirement, the pace of growth will slow down. Under this circumstance, enhancing labor productivity so as to reduce the dependence on labor or making use of foreign labor is the necessary choice to maintain a certain level of economic growth. Nevertheless, resources other than labor may also play key roles in fostering economic growth. As such, finding other possible bottleneck resources and trying to make up the potential supply discrepancy are also important topics that need to be concerned about. This study aims to explore the current and future resource utilization situation of Taiwan. We use a static resource utilization model to identify the possible bottleneck sectors and bottleneck resources for 2009 and 2015. We also use a dynamic model to analyze labor demand, taking into account occupation switching, the substitutability between domestic and foreign labor, and increase in labor productivity. Input-output tables of 1991 to 2004 are used to estimate the R and S values between two specific periods, which are then used in conjunction with RAS method to project input coefficients tables for 2005 to 2015 years. These tables, in turn, are used to develop the resource utilization and planning models. Simulation results using the static model indicate that blue-collar labor will be insufficient in 2009 and 2015. Water resources, on the other hand, will become bottleneck resource only in 2015. The results from the dynamic model show that occupation switching when motivated with right policies will have positive impact on the economy. Furthermore, the higher the possibility of foreign labor to substitute away domestic labor, the larger the crowing-out effect for domestic labor will be when labor is not a binding resource. Finally, as on-job training and education are effective ways of accumulating human capital, investing more on training and education should be an urgent policy that Taiwanese government needs to implement for the years to come.


江豐富 (2006),「外勞引進對本國勞工失業、職業選擇及薪資之影響」《臺灣經濟預測與政策》,37(1):69-111。
鄭義暉與蘇志榮 (2005),「產業外移與引入外籍勞工對臺灣產業調整之關係」,《亞太經濟管理評論》,8(2),105-128。
成之約,辛炳隆與劉黃麗娟 (2002),「外籍幫傭與監護工引進對國內就業影響之初探」,《勞資關係論叢》,11,69-95。


