  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumer Behavioral Intention on Mobile Shopping Adoption-A TAM Perspective

指導教授 : 陳宜棻


摘要   隨著無線通訊技術的發展,行動通訊與電子商務的結合形成所謂的行動商務,電子商務影響企業與顧客的互動與交易,行動商務則是將企業的影響力擴充到海角天涯,突破「移動性」限制,只要擁有行動科技設備,任何人隨時都可以使用商業的服務。雖然目前行動商務的使用不如電子商務,但行動商務已成為未來發展之一大趨勢。行動購物屬於行動商務應用中的行動交易服務,本研究認為行動購物在行動商務應用中是未來很有發展性的其中一項服務,故本研究利用結合信任之科技接受延伸模式探討行動購物的認知易用性與認知有用性對消費者的態度及消費者的使用意願之影響,並以行動商務特性其中的「移動性」、「便利性」以及「資訊豐富性」做為外部因素共同探討消費者使用行動購物的意願。   本研究針對國內消費者為主要受測對象,透過網路發放問卷總共回收600份有效樣本。本文以結構方程模式為主要研究方法,透過LISREL8.54進行驗證性因素分析和結構模式分析。研究結果發現顧客所知覺行動購物之「移動性」、「信任」、「資訊豐富性」與「認知易用性」對於顧客的「認知有用性」有正面的影響;顧客所知覺行動購物之「資訊豐富性」對於顧客的「信任」與「認知易用性」皆有正面的影響;顧客所知覺行動購物之「便利性」對於顧客的「認知易用性」有正面的影響;最後顧客的「信任」、「認知有用性」及「認知易用性」對於顧客的「使用意願」皆有正面的影響,本研究提出之假設檢定皆獲得驗證支持。


Abstract With the development of wireless communication technology, become what people known mobile commerce, is produced through combination of mobile communication with e-commerce, among which e-commerce will influence interaction and transaction between enterprises and customers, whereas mobile commerce exerts a role of expanding influence of enterprises all over the world, causing limits of “mobility” to be broken. As long as mobile technology facility is equipped, commerce service will be available for any person. Even though currently the use of mobile commerce is incomparable to that of e-commerce, mobile commerce has already became one of trends in future development. Mobile shopping is categorized to be mobile transaction service in application of mobile commerce. This study holds an opinion that mobile shopping in application of mobile commerce will become one of services with vast development potential, thus a scientific acceptance extensive model with trust is utilized to explore influence of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness in mobile shopping on customers’ attitudes and behavioral intention to use; mobility, convenience and information richness characterized by mobile commerce are defined as external variables to affect trust, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use in this study, customer behavior intention of mobile commerce adoption is also discussed together. A questionnaire survey is expected to make further understanding of customer behavior intention of mobile shopping services adoption. This study altogether recycles 600 effective samples by the network questionnaire way. The article takes structural equation pattern as main study method. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation analysis are made through LISREL 8.54. We found that customers’ perceived mobility, trust, information richness and perceived easy of use toward mobile shopping are positively affecting their perceived usefulness. Customers’ perceived information richness toward mobile shopping is positively affecting their trust and perceived ease of use. Customers’ perceived convenience toward mobile shopping is positively affecting their perceived ease of use. Customers’ trust, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are positively affecting their behavioral intention to use. This study proposed that the supposition examination all acquires the confirmation support.


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