  • 學位論文

都市新桃花源意象 ─台灣房地產預售制度下「接待中心」與「樣品屋」之空間規劃研究─

The New Utopia Image of City -The Research of Space Planning in Real Estate Model Houses and Retail Offices in Taiwan Pre-sale System-

指導教授 : 魏主榮


經過近四十年的發展,台灣房地產預售制度早已成為內需經濟產業最重要的一環,其中,接待中心與樣品屋的搭設,已成為台灣房地產市場行銷模式中,最具代表性的手法之一。舉凡接待中心的場地選擇、外觀造型、引導動線、設計風格、燈光色調,以及接待中心內各項機能空間在銷售上的意義、演變,和樣品屋的各種規劃設計手法等等,不論是做為產品的櫥窗、舞台、未來生活的展演場域,或是華麗而臨時的交易中心,在房地產交易市場中所扮演的角色都相當重要。其發展與演進所象徵的臨時性交易場所短暫而夢幻的場域精神,也進一步展現出預售制度下種種最新的服務精神、科技發展,以及對生活美學的貢獻。 據此,本論文以近四十年來,台灣房地產預售制度中,「接待中心」與「樣品屋」發展演進的過程為縱軸,以行銷及促銷理論為輔助,並佐以各項歷史文獻回顧的探討,耙梳出每一個階段在這臨時性交易場域中的重要精神之演進,並推估未來可能的發展模式,從設計風格、內外動線規劃、接待中心內各項機能空間精神,以及業者如何應用新科技與新的服務精神,改善銷售服務流程,完成交易內容等角度,試圖找出形塑「都市新桃花源意象」之各項關鍵因素。本論文更透過對接待中心及樣品屋設計者、身處於該交易場域的代銷業者,以及專業從事空間擺設的業者們之間深度的訪談,深入地瞭解建商、代銷、設計者、相關從業人員透過彼此的溝通協調、預算安排、風格塑造,以及種種空間質感的營造、銷售動線的安排,讓消費者透過一連串精心的「設計」,在場域中被感動,進而完成其銷售目的。 作為台灣房地產行銷制度中行銷道具的一環,接待中心與樣品屋扮演著決定個案順銷與否的重要角色。而近年來,開始重視消費者的舒適性與心靈層面,以感性訴求取代現場強殺炒作,重視空間「原尺寸」表現來取代過往的欺瞞手法,用藝文活動提升現場質感,以永久及半永久規劃取代臨時性建築,甚至開始嘗試以最新科技取代天然建材,或以更空靈的手法引進自然元素、表現真實美感……等等。這些議題,都在本研究之中,透過深度訪談與分析整理,試圖呈現其輪廓,並提供後繼研究者參考。 在全球暖化、環保減碳議題方面,每位設計者都對此表達高度關切,並提出種種符合或趨近於環保永續、節能減碳趨勢之具體建議,如綠建築工法、綠建材運用、引進自然元素、採永久或半永久建築概念、「模組化」接待中心,以及充分回收、分享鄰里……等等,充分發揮設計者關心地球、重視環保的心意。本研究亦針對此一議題專章討論分析,希望能為日後接待中心及樣品屋在臨時性銷售場域與環保議題之間的矛盾處,提供一個可突破的思考方向。


Passed near 40 years of development, pre-sale system in real estate has already become one of the most important parts in domestic needed economic industry. The building of model houses and retail offices has become one of the representative skills in Taiwan real estate market, such as the site choice of retail office, the style of external look, the guiding movement paths, the design styles, the lighting colors, and the meanings or changes of different functions in retail offices, also the vaious kinds of designing techniques. Whatever it is used as a product window shopping, a stage, a future living showing space, or a luxurious temporary dealing center, it plays an important role in real estate dealing market.The short and illusive sphere spirit indicates the development and progress of the temporary dealing place. It also expresses the new service, technique expansion, and the contribution to living aesthetics. With the past 40 years basis, this thesis discusses the different functions of retail offices and model houses, and try to evaluate the possible expanding model in the future. The dealers use new techniques and new servicing spirit to improve their seiling process to reach their aim. This thesis also tries to find out the key factors of making the new utopia image of city. The real-estaters, the sales of consignment, designers, and the relevant people are all through communicative coordination, budget arrangement, style creating to let the consumers be moved and reach the selling purpose. As one of the marketing stage properties in Taiwan real-estate selling system, retail offices and model houses play an important role in deciding whether to buy the case or not. In recent years, the consigners gradually put emphasis on the feelings of consumers. They use the original size to replace the old method, the art activities to motivate the actual scene, the permanent or semi- permanent planning to replace the temporary buildings, also new tech skills to substitute the natural building materials etc. These topics are all included in this thesis. Through interviews and analysis, I try to show the outlines to the successors for their reference. In the last part, I try to discuss the topic of environmental protection to reduce the CO2. Nearly every designers try to do something for the protection of the Earth. They showed their concerns and intentions for how to settle the contradictory of building retail offices and model houses, and try to offer a breakthrough direction of new ideas.


蕭景文(2006)《擬像與真實的界線: 臺灣房地產預售制度下的樣品屋和接待中心》,台北:國立台北藝術大學建築與古蹟保存研究所碩士論文。


