  • 學位論文

高污染性並具歷史意義之廢棄廠區的污染 問題及再利用之可行性研究

The Contamination Issue and the Feasibility Study on the Reuse of the Heavily Polluted Industrial Heritage

指導教授 : 林曉薇


台灣自19世紀下半葉以來努力追求趕上工業化的時代,從清末、日治、直到光復後,各種 產業繁榮興盛。但自20世紀90年代起由於部份產業面臨轉型、外移,或技術落伍不符環保需求, 或不符成本效益,而關廠歇業,造成部份廠區閒置廢棄。近年來國內外興起產業遺產再利用的 風潮,自文建會推動產業文化資產總清查及再利用後,一時成為顯學。 然而有些具歷史意義但已閒置廢棄的廠址,在生產營運時早已被高度污染,還造成附近環 境的公害;關廠後污染性物質仍堆棄廠區內,甚至繼續污染周圍的土壤與地下水,此即本文所 述的高污染性廢棄廠區,若不能及早處理整治,必然為害生態,也不利於再利用。由於各種產 業的污染性質不同,必須了解其污染特性以尋求解決之道。又因某些產業遺址甚具其產業在台 灣經濟發展過程中的歷史意義,我們應該設法將其歷史價值加以整理保存,以遺訓後代。 除了再利用的論述外,本論文嘗試借鏡兩個國外類似的有名案例,德國北魯爾工業區的再 造,及日本足尾銅山的再利用,以了解先進國家的處理策略與手法。再從國內的兩個案例,都 是其產業發展史上的首創大廠:已污染整治完成的金瓜石禮樂煉銅廠、污染整治進行中的台南 中石化安順廠,收集文獻資料,探討其原製程及造成污染的原因與嚴重性,及後來接手主其事 者處理污染整治的手法,以及再利用時對原工廠在其產業史上的歷史意義的尊重與否,以尋求 高污染性並具歷史意義的閒置廢棄的廠區再利用的可行性。


Since the half of 19 century, Taiwan became industrialized, during the end period of Chin Dynasty, the Japanese governing time, and after the take-over of ROC, many industries had bloomed everywhere. But in 1990s, a lot of industries had faced the crisis of transformation, migration abroad, etc. Out of shortage of sources, labors, new advanced technologies, and environmental pollution problems, some of the factories sites were wasted, which were highly polluted. Recently the reuse of historical industrial heritage is awaked worldwide, in Taiwan the Council of Cultural Affairs raised the general check-out of the state-owned historical industrial heritages, highly attracted the participation of scholars. But some historical wasted plant-sites were terribly contaminated during their operation-period, even became the haunts of environmental pollution. After shut-down, there are still some pollution materials discarded inside, continuously pollute the soil and underwater. If they are not well treated in time, they would be the nightmare of ecology, and the trouble of reuse. The mechanisms of the pollution of the individual industries are quite miscellaneously, we should seriously research to solve the issues. And some industrial ruins had their precious historical meanings in their industrial development courses, which should be reserved. In addition to the brief study of the reuse literature discussion, two famous foreign similar cases are studied for reference, one is the reconstruction of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, and the other is the reuse of the Ashio Copper Mount, Japan. This paper will try to study two cases in Taiwan, which once were the giant pioneers in their industries : (1) pollution handled well---Jinguashi Copper Refining Plant, (2) pollution handled now---Tainan CPDC Anshun Plant, to discuss its original processes, the reasons why polluted, the seriousness of the pollution against the people and the sites, the methods they used to treat the pollution, and to analyze the attitude how they respected to the historical meaning of the original plant in her industry for reuse. The conclusion of this paper is to try to find the feasible approach of the reuse of the heavily polluted industrial heritage.


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7. 民間司法改革基金會 (關心RCA污染事件的網站)
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7. 夏鑄九,2006,《對台灣當前工業遺產保存的初期觀察:一點批判性反思》,台大建築與城鄉


