  • 學位論文

台商佈局東協進入策略 與投資環境暨風險關係之研究

Study on Relationship between Entry Strategy and Investing Environment with Risk of ASEAN Countries

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


隨著全球化的發展,全世界的經濟版圖正開始重整,未來新經濟版圖的機會掌握將成為決定企業是否能夠成功的關鍵要素。加上近幾年區域經濟發展的概念也逐漸的取代了全球化經濟,這一股浪潮之中,也讓亞洲一個新興的經濟體東協開始成為全球的關注目標。目前,東協的甚至已經取代日本成為全球第四大的出口國,其對全球經濟的影響將更加的不容小覷。對台商而言,則由於2008年中國大陸投資環境的劇變,許多台商的全球策略佈局思維已經從「中國唯一」慢慢的轉變為「中國加一」,使得台商投資東協的進額日益增加。所以,本研究希望能夠探討台商如何能夠進一步的有效針對東協各國不同的投資環境與風險,並配合企業本身的競爭策略思維來達到佈局東協、放眼亞洲、競爭全球的目標。 有鑑於此,本研究透過台商佈局東協所需考量的種種因素,並依據相關研究與文獻的參考,選出相關變數加以研究。(1)將東協十國依照國家經濟發展狀況區分為「高所得國家群」、「中所得國家群」與「低所得國家群」;(2)投資環境部份區分為「政治與法律環境」、「經濟與經營環境」、「社會與文化環境」、「科技與基建環境」;(3)投資風險部份區分為「政治風險」、「匯兌風險」、「營運風險」;(4)企業內外銷比例部分區分為「內銷為主」、「內外銷兼具」、「外銷為主」企業;(5)台商投資產業的不同則區分為「高科技產業」、「傳統產業」、「服務業」、「其他產業」;(6)投資進入模式方面則區分為「獨資」與「合資」企業。並藉由量化的統計分析方式,透過對於已在東協佈局台商所做的問卷調查,回收505份有效問卷,進行相關統計分析,進而得到下述結論: 1.台商無論在投資環境或是投資風險的各衡量構面上,給予國家經濟發展較高的國家其評價明顯較國家經濟發展低的國家來的高。 2.台商投資東協所選擇企業的內外銷比例不會受到國家經濟發展狀況的影響。 3.台商投資東協所選擇投資的產業類型並不會受到國家經濟發展狀況的影響。 4.台商投資東協所選擇企業的投資進入模式不會受到國家經濟發展狀況的影響。 5.台商投資東協所選擇企業的投資進入模式不會受到國家投資環境與風險的影響。 6.東協投資環境對台商投資進入模式影響會因台商內外銷比例不同而有所變化。 7.東協投資風險對台商投資進入模式影響會因台商內外銷比例不同而有所變化。 8.東協投資環境對台商投資進入模式影響會因台商產業類型不同而有所變化。 9.東協投資風險對台商投資進入模式影響會因台商產業類型不同而有所變化。 10.東協各國投資環境與投資風險構面彼此間具有相關性。


To go along with the development of the globalization, the economic territory of world is beginning to recombination. The control of the future new economic territory opportunity will become a crucial element to decide whether the companies will success or not. Furthermore, the concept of the development of region economic is gradually instead of globalization economic recently. During this tide, the worldwide is pay attention to the burgeoning economic system- Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Presently, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations already replaces the Japan and becomes the fourth export country in the world; the influence to the world economic can not be look down upon. To the Taiwanese businessman, the radical change of the investment environment in china in 2008 is change the thought of many Taiwanese businessmen from only china to china plus one, let Taiwanese businessmen increase the capital to invest in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Therefore, this study hopes to explore the Taiwanese businessmen how to focus the different investment environment and risk of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and to co-operate the company's competition strategy to position in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, to take a broad view of Asia, and competition in the worldwide. Therefore, this study through the elements of the positioning in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and according to the relative studies and references, this study chooses the relative variables to research.(1)To divide the ten countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations into“ high income country”,“middle income country”,“low income country”by their economic development;(2)The investment environment divided into“political and law environment”,“economic and operation environment”,“social and culture environment”,“technology and infrastructure environment”;(3)The investment risk divided into“political risk”,“ exchange risk”,“operation risk”;(4)The ration of export divided into“sale internally”,“sell internally and sale abroad”,“sale abroad”;(5)The different invest industry divided into“high technology industry“,“traditional industry”,“service industry”,“others industry”;(6)The investment entry mode divide into“venture exclusively”and“joint venture”. According to the method of quantitative statistic, and the survey of the Taiwanese businessmen in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, this study recycles 505 valid surveys and concludes with the follows: 1.The Taiwanese businessmen give the value higher to the high economic development country than the low economic development country in the aspect of investment environment and invest risk. 2.The Taiwanese businessmen do not consider the economic development of the country in choosing the ration of sale abroad and the sale internally. 3.The Taiwanese businessmen do not consider the economic development of the country in choosing the invest industry. 4.The Taiwanese businessmen do not consider the economic development of the country in choosing the entry mode. 5.The entry mode choose by the Taiwanese businessmen is not influenced by the investment environment and risk of the country. 6.The choose company’s ratio of sale internally and sale abroad by the Taiwanese businessmen will change to the entry mode. 7.The choose company’s ratio of sale internally and sale abroad by the Taiwanese businessmen will not change to the entry mode. 8.The choose industry type to the Taiwanese businessmen will change to the entry mode. 9.The choose industry type to the Taiwanese businessmen will not change to the entry mode. 10.The aspect of the investment environment and investment risk of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have the related to each other.


4.李明軒,邱如美(1990)譯,國家競爭優勢,天下文化出版,Porter M.(The Competitive Advantage of Nations)。


劉柏辰(2015)。知覺投資環境力與知覺投資風險度對進入動機影響之研究 -台商布局邊境八國之實證〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201500581
