  • 學位論文

鋼筋混凝土構件之撓剪破壞數值模擬 分析之研究

A Study of the Numerical Simulations on the Flexure-Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Members

指導教授 : ARRAY(0xc68bdc0)


本文研究目的主要是以纖維條帶斷面分析方法(Fiber-Section Analysis Method),來考慮變軸力彎矩互制下之行為,也更進一步考慮剪力效應之考量,所採用方法是以Collins等人提出之修正壓力場理論(MCFT, Modified Compress Field Theory)。為考慮變軸力之效應,本文自行撰寫的構件斷面分析程式並與多倫多大學釋出之斷面分析軟體Response 2000作比對,同時也探討了Response 2000 (R2K) 混凝土抗壓模型與Collins的混凝土抗壓模型之間的差異。本研究調整了Collins的混凝土抗壓模型,使得自行撰寫的構件斷面分析程式之分析結果能貼近R2K之模擬結果。此外,斷面分析程式也成功的加入向量式有限元(Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element, VFIFE, V-5)之中,並且進一步比對鋼筋混凝土柱試驗作為驗證程式之正確性。為了有效考慮撓剪破壞之行為,在驗證自行撰寫斷面分析程式中加入剪力考量,並且比較R2K之結果。本文研究之成果,將可提供國內學界與工程界用來模擬分析鋼筋混凝土構件撓剪破壞行為之參考依據。


In this paper, the purpose of study is developed to the procedure of Fiber-Section Analysis Method (FSAM) for considered the interaction of axial force and bending moment. In addition, the RC member of the effect of shear is considered. The Collins model is adopted to use model the stress-strain curve for concrete. The Modified Compress Field Theory (MCFT) is considered. The Response 2000 (R2K) and self-made computer program are compared with the different of concrete compressive model between R2K and Collins. In this paper, the Collins model is modified and is used to compare the result of R2K. Then, this modified model is added into V-5 method to simulate column test and verified the reinforced concrete beam test with variable axial force. In order to consider the member of the effect of shear is compared with the results of R2K. In the future, this study will be adapt to simulate numerical simulations on the flexure-shear behavior of reinforced concrete members.


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