  • 學位論文


The research on Taiwan Legal Education

指導教授 : 李憲佐


本論文之研究目的在對法(律)學及教育作一橫向分析探討,輔以縱向法學發展之歷史淵源分析,期未來若有法學教育之改革與推動,本文能提供一本土化之研究文獻以供參考。研究方法上以文獻探討為主。本文分為五章,從序論以後,介紹法律與教育之定義,近代台灣法學教育歷程與發展,法學教育的得失探討,最後達成結論與建議。 首先,從法(律)學與教育學相關概念介紹起,包括法律與教育之定義、內涵及社會功能,從中可為法學教育之重要性定型;次之為法學教育之觀察與分析,此範圍包括法律文化與教育文化且其透過無形之方式影響法學教育,另有法學教育之範圍分析及法學教育受教者之就業概況。 一九一二年,台灣光復,一九四九年,台灣進入漫長的戒嚴時期。進入台灣之法學主要來自日本及中國,而日本及中國又多繼受自德國等西方國家,美國法律及教育體制亦影響台灣近代發展。文中深入探討台灣法學教育之近代發展,以戒嚴前期作一鳥瞰,戒嚴後有較詳盡之介紹,並列出幾大法學教育發展之特色及隱憂,前者如法律系所大量增加、法學教育改革、律師司法官考試第一階段改進方案亦羅列其中。 從四個方面探討我國法學教育之得失。(一)從歷史的觀點:傳統中國法學之發展,十九世紀末日本將近代西方法制引進台灣,二次戰後,台灣法學教育轉以中華民國法為中心。(二)從法學教育目標的觀點,法學教育目標不外從學術或從職業需要而來,台灣政府、學者及學生如何設定法學教育目標。(三)從法學教育課程的觀點,從統一課程走向校定課程,仍以國家考試科目為中心。(四)法學教育改革觀點,盲目推動法學教育改革,可能對學校、教師及學生產生多大衝擊。


The purpose of the research is based on the horizontal aspect that is the concepts of law and education and the vertical aspect that is historical background of legal education in Taiwan. Hope if there are improved programs on legal education, here has a country view to be referred to. The research method is mainly literature review. It is in five chapters discusses the concepts of law and education, the process and development of modern law education in Taiwan, and the criticism on legal education. Finally, have the conclusion and advise. First, the concepts of law (or legal theory) and education are introduced, including the definition, meaning and theirs social functions so that we could understand how important legal education is. And the observation and analysis of legal education, from law culture and educational culture, we could see there are invisible factors that work upon the legal education, the range of legal education and the students’ careers who studying law.   Second, Taiwan restored its sovereignty in 1912 and then the longest period of martial law which declared in 1949 was imposed on Taiwan. The law which used and applied in Taiwan came from Japan and Main China which came from German and Western countries. Also, American law and educational system had a great influence on modern Taiwan. Thus, our law and legal education is complicated. Following chapter discuss the situations of legal education in modern Taiwan. First, discuss a simple introduction before martial law and detailed introduction after that period. Then, lists important characteristic of legal education and hardships of higher education and legal education, the former including the amount increased of students studying law, the revolution of legal education, the Series One of promotional events for the lawyers, the justices and the public prosecutors. Third, some observations and criticism be discussed on the modern legal education from four asdpects. 1) The history and development of law and legal education be introduced, Japan brought modern Western law to Taiwan in the 19th century but did not establish an institute for modern legal education in Taiwan until the late 1920s. After the World War II, legal education in Taiwan changed to follow the model of Republican China. 2) Initially, there are two goals to satisfy the needs of legal education that were the academic goal and the career goal. Taiwan government, the professionals and the students studying law have different views on the goals. 3) The changes of curriculum were decided by from the government to the universities, but National Exam is the center of the curriculum-arrangement. 4) If the legal education revolution is implemented blindly, there will be negative influence on the schools, the teachers and the students. Finally, the research has a conclusion and advisement.


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