  • 學位論文

台灣可攜式燃料電池產業之 市場潛力推估

Estimating the Market Potential of Portable Fuel Cell Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林師模


在能源供給逐漸受限及溫室效應問題日益嚴重下,各國皆積極投入替代能源的開發,其中,燃料電池所具有的高能源轉換效率、低污染、低噪音…等特性,已為可攜式電子產品的潛在能源供應帶來另一種選擇,有機會成為其未來的主要動力來源。 本研究之主要目的為推估台灣可攜式燃料電池產業的潛在市場潛力。由於可攜式燃料電池的技術尚處於初步商品化的階段,可用於分析的資料相當有限,因此,本研究嘗試從日本及台灣鋰電池發展的經驗,搭配燃料電池技術及應用發展的現況,透過估計日本二次電池及台灣鋰電池產業之學習效果,推估燃料電池未來可能的學習效果。另外,也透過估計鋰電池不同階段產品間之替代彈性,推估燃料電池與鋰電池之間可能的替代彈性區間。之後,再利用日本鋰電池與燃料電池的實際與推估之產量趨勢,搭配上述之學習彈性估計結果推估鋰電池與燃料電池二者價格比之趨勢;最後,再以價格比趨勢結合替代彈性值推估出燃料電池取代鋰電池之數量趨勢。此一取代之數量趨勢,在結合台灣應用產品 (筆記型電腦及手機) 之需求量推估數值,並據以推估台灣鋰電池之需求量趨勢後,即可推估出台灣燃料電池未來的產量潛力。 本研究估計之鋰電池產業學習彈性值,台灣介於-0.0583至-0.427,而日本則為-0.685至-1.08,由於學習彈性值的高低反映了單位成本的可能變化,此一結果顯示台灣在生產技術上仍有很大成長的空間。另外,本研究估計之各種二次電池間替代彈性值介於1.28至2.46之間,尤其以最新技術取代愈久遠之技術之彈性值愈高。至於利用學習彈性推估之燃料電池與鋰電池價格比之平均降幅接近40%。 本研究另依應用產品之歷史成長趨勢,將其未來產量預測至2015年,再利用替代彈性的觀念推估燃料電池上市後之量的變化,結果顯示筆記型電腦及手機使用燃料電池的量分別於2015年及2014年將會超過使用鋰電池的量,預期屆時在台灣燃料電池產業進入利基市場之後,將有助於提高台灣能源元件產業之全球市佔率。


Limited energy supply and global warming problems together have resulted in the surges of alternative energy development in recent years. Fuel cells, which have been characterized as having high energy transfer efficiency, low pollution, low noise…and so on, have become a potentially important source of energy for portable 3C products. This study aims to explore the market potential of Taiwan’s portable fuel cell industry. The lack of historical data on fuel cells, however, has prevented us from estimating the necessary parameter values needed in projecting the output of fuel cell industry directly. To accommodate this, we chose to estimate the parameter values for lithium battery industry, as well as to estimate most of the parameters for Japanese industries instead of Taiwanese ones. Basically, we estimated the learning elasticities of lithium battery products at different phases of product development, the substitution elasticities of lithium battery products between different phases of product development, the future movement of lithium battery and fuel cell production for Japan, the future demand of major portable 3C products for Taiwan, and the price ratio of fuel cell to lithium battery. With all these estimates, we were able to estimate the amount of lithium battery demand and the proportion of which could be substituted by fuel cells in the years to come. Our results show that the learning elasticity of the lithium battery industry is between -0.0583 and -0.427 for Taiwan, and is between -0.685 and -1.08 for the Japanese ones. As to the substitution elasticities, the estimated value between any two products at different phases of product development is between 1.28 and 2.46. The resulted estimates of the amount of fuel cell that will substitute lithium battery show an increasing trend and would have the chance to surpass lithium battery in year 2014-2015.


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