  • 學位論文


A Study of the Methodology for Local Ecological Calculation Deriving from Nation Footprint in Taiwan

指導教授 : 喻肇青


生態足跡是二十世紀末所發展的永續性評估指標系統,是一個將「資源消耗量」轉換成土地面積的測度工具,其呈現結果具體並容易判讀,因此廣被全球應用。近期英國方面廣泛地應用於地方單位,以「地區生態足跡」作為政策評估、環境影響評估、規 劃設計輔助工具的運用。 都市計畫是擘畫願景的工作,是要面對未來五十年、百年甚至更久的以後,在人口快速成長及環境問題越來越惡劣的今天,更需要有智慧去處理面對環境問題,判斷其資源運用的情況,「地區性生態足跡」就是一個以生活中切身數據計算的工具,因此可 以實際了解該地區資源消耗的情況。 本研究以台灣2006年的數據,將「國家足跡」計算帳戶分流成「逐步分流足跡」,再計算依都市化程度計算都市、城市及鄉村時,意外地需從消費端思考,並以逐步分流所得數據,建立了「地方性足跡」方法。 一、第一章針對研究動機與目的作說明,強調建立「地方性足跡」的重要; 二、第二章回顧相關理論背景,關於生態城市的發展脈絡、全球永續行動及比較永續性評估工具應用; 三、第三章「逐步分流方法」是以Best Food Forward Ltd. 的Stepwise ™方法分流,並以國家足跡計算式計算; 四、第四章實證研究部分:以「國家足跡」計算結果驗證「逐步分流足跡」結果,並且以消費端的「地區性足跡」歸納「逐步分流足跡」的數據。2006年都市化程度生態足跡分別為都市6.313(gha)、城鎮5.078(gha)、鄉村4.800(gha); 第五章 針對生態城市的發展,檢討地區足跡方法及後續建議 本論文主要最重要的部分就是確立「地方性足跡」計算方法。


The ecological footprint is a sustainability indicator which has been developed in the late twentieth century. It is a measurement tool to transfer “Resource consumption” to land area. It has been widely adopted in the world because the outcome of the assessment is easy to read. Recently the ecological footprint has been broadly used in the UK’s local authorities, they use “local ecological footprint” as a policy assessment, environmental impact assessment, planning and design aid tools. Urban planning is a work to planning the future which is to face the next five decades, next centuries or even the longer future. Today, human facing rapidly population growth and worsening environmental problems people needs more wise to tackle the environmental problems, to determine their utilization of resources. The “local ecological footprint” is a tool that using personal data of a living to calculate the footprint ,hence we can understand the real consumption of resource in the local area. In this study, the research resources came from Taiwan’s data in year 2006, taking “national ecological footprint” account stream into the “ Stepwise ™ ”. When calculated the ecological footprint of different urbanization areas such as: urban, city, and rural ; unexpectedly, it needs to consider from the consumer side. Finally, this research used the results from Stepwise ™ and established the "local ecological footprint" method. Chapter 1 Describing the aims and purposes of this research;moreover, explaining why it is important to set up “ local ecological footprint”. Chapter 2 Literature review including the development context of the eco-city, global sustainable actions and comparing the application of different sustainability evaluation tools. Chapter 3 Using Best Food Forward Ltd’s Stepwise ™ methodology transfer to national ecological footprint. Chapter 4 Research proofing : Using the outcome of “National ecological footprint” to prove the result of “Stepwise ™ “ method then using “local ecological footprint” from consumption-side induction the data of “Stepwise ™” The results of different urbanization ecological footprint in 2006 were :urban 6.313 (gha), town 5.078 (gha), Rural 4.800 (gha). Chapter 5 Focus on the development of eco-city, reviewing the methodology of local ecological footprint and providing recommendations.


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