  • 學位論文


Effects of Illumination Types and Color Temperature on Office Worker’s Emotion and Task Performance-- a case of compact fluorescent lamps.

指導教授 : 謝明燁


現今科技的發展與人類對於人工光源的依賴可謂相輔相成,常從室內的照明設計可以很明顯感受到人們常使用「光」來營造許多可讓人們體驗不同氛圍的情境或做工作用途。光源的色溫、照度及分佈等等都是影響人類視覺疲勞的重要因素,尤其在學習環境、工作環境當中等等,足夠的光源,絕對是提升專注力的必要條件。視覺疲勞會因為色溫的使用不當,照度的不足及光源分佈不均而引起眼部的不適,進而影響身心的負面反應,降低學習效率或工作成效,進而影響到身心壓力的負面影響。由於現代人長時間處於辦公室內,相對室內環境的照明更需在賦予有根據的定義,如何解決長時間工作所帶來的疲勞與壓力、改善並提供紓解負面情緒的方式以及節能減碳的使用,是現今社會不得不更加重視的議題。 在所有有關照明的檢討中,照度與色溫度一直最常被聚焦的因子。然而,大多數的研究多半仍舊著眼於照明的明視性與色溫度的探討,對於心理與情緒的探討十分有限。一個人的情緒很可能會影響工作表現,因此情緒也必須被充分檢討。綜上所述,本研究以辦公者為研究對象,以近似真實辦公室情境的場景實驗室設定,探討在不同照明配置方式下,以點光源排列成八種不同照明環境,讓受測者接受長時間作業,再分別於作業前後紀錄各時間點的主觀心理評價,探討長時間工作前中後的情緒與工作績效之表現。本研究將實驗後的數據資料以視覺模擬評分法(VAS)與盤斯心情量表(POMS)與將視覺作業完成數量化為數值,進入統計分析軟體(SPSS)進行重複量數分析,以探究照明形式、色溫度、光源瓦數與時間因子,對作業者的情緒反應與工作績效是否有相互影響的結果,期能歸納出最有利於情緒與工作績效的照明配置方案。 研究結果顯示,直接照明適合搭配較亮的照明環境,而間接照明適合搭配較暗的照明環境。另外,直接照明的眩光問題較嚴重,間接照明有助於減少眩光。較暗的照明較能消除疲勞,較亮的照明令人較有活力。受測者較偏好2700K之黃光,其滿意度大於6500K之白光,但若從疲倦感而言,2700K黃光所產生的疲倦感卻高於6500K。


直接照明 間接照明 VAS POMS


The technological advancement today and human’s dependence on artificial light source are mutually supplemented. The interior illumination design clearly shows that people often use “light” to create different atmospheres or facilitate work. The color temperature, illuminance and distribution of light source are all important factors that influence the visual fatigue of human, especially in a learning environment or a work environment. Adequate light source is absolutely a necessity for more concentration. Inappropriate use of color temperature, insufficient light sources, and uneven distribution of light source would cause optic problems and negative physical and mental responses, reduce learning efficiency or work effectiveness, and create negative impacts on physical and mental health. Nowadays, people spend a long time in the office; correspondingly, the definition of interior illumination needs to be established on a solid basis. How to relieve the fatigue and pressure caused by long-term work, provide and improve the ways of eliminating negative emotions, and apply the strategies of energy conservation and carbon reduction are the issues that the modern society have to give greater priority to. Luminance and color temperature have been the factors that attract the greatest attention in discussions on illumination. However, most researches still focus on the visibility of illumination, paying limited attention to mind and emotion. Emotion is likely to affect work, so it must be fully discussed. With office workers as the research subjects, this study analyzed their performance before, during and after long-time work in different layouts of illumination, with the hope of seeking the best illumination layout scheme for emotion. With office workers as the research subjects, In this study, the lab was set as a scene similar to a real office. Point light sources were arrayed to form eight different illumination environments through different illumination distribution. The comments of the respondents on the environments were recorded at a different time before and after a long-term work, and the mood and performance of the respondents before, during and after the long-term work were discussed. After the experiment, the visual analogue score (VAS) and the profile of mood states (POMS) were adopted to convert the data into numerical values. Then, SPSS was applied for the repeated measure analysis of these numerical values, so as to explore the effects of illumination form, color temperature, wattage of light source, and temporal factor on the mood and performance of the respondents. By doing so, this study aims to seek the best illumination scheme for mood and performance. According to the research results, direct illumination is suitable for a brighter environment while indirect illumination for a darker one. Besides, direct illumination results in serious glare while indirect illumination creates weaker glare. Darker illumination is more effective in reducing fatigue, whereas brighter illumination invigorates people. The respondents prefer a yellow light of 2,700 K to a white one of 6,500 K, but the former leads to more fatigue than the latter.


direct lighting indirect lighting VAS POMS


11.許昭敏(2013) ,《照明環境的色溫度因子對使用者主觀評價之影響》,中原大學建築研究所碩士論文。
17.謝宛玲(2013) ,《不同色溫度與照明方式對辦公者工作時主觀評價的影響》,中原大學建築研究所碩士論文。
