  • 學位論文


On (p,1)-Total Labelings of Balanced Complete Tripartite Graphs

指導教授 : 史青林


令G=(V,E)是一個圖,如果 為將圖G的點集合和邊集合對應到一個整數集{0,…,λ}的函數使得(1)相鄰的點不能標記相同的整數,(2)相鄰的邊不能標記相同的整數,(3)相鄰的點和邊標號差值的絕對值必須大於等於 p,則稱 為圖G的一個(p,1)-全標號,其中p為正整數。在一個(p,1)-全標號中,兩個標記整數之間最大的差值稱為跨度。在圖G的(p,1)-全標號中,最小的跨度我們稱之為圖G的(p,1)-全標號數,以符號λ_p^T (G)表示之。 在這篇論文中,我們證明對所有的正整數 n ≥2 以及p≥1,λ_p^T (K_(n,n,n) ) ≤2n+p+1 。此外, 我們證明如果p≥2n,則λ_p^T (K_(n,n,n) )=2n+p+1。


Let G=(V,E) be a graph. A (p,1)-total labeling of G is a mapping from V∪E into {0,…, λ} for some integer λ such that : (i) if x and y are adjacent vertices, then ; (ii) if e and f are adjacent edges, then ; (iii) if an edge e is incident to a vertex x, then , where p is a positive integer. The span of a (p,1)-total labeling is the maximum difference between two labels. The (p,1)-total number of a graph G is the minimum span of a (p,1) -total labeling of G, denoted by λ_p^T (G). In this thesis, we prove that for each integer n≥2, λ_p^T (K_(n,n,n) )≤2n+p+1. Moreover, if n is even or p≥2n then λ_p^T (K_(n,n,n) )=2n+p+1.


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