  • 學位論文

運用關聯式資料庫建置LCD背光模組採購核價系統 -以A公司為例

Applying Relational Databases to Implement a Quotation Management System for LCD Backlight Modules - a Case study on A company

指導教授 : 項衛中


TFT LCD產業目前隨著高規格、低價策略的平板及相關智慧型連網裝置的成長帶動,在全球面板處於微利的時代下,中小型的面板產業將面臨更嚴峻的挑戰,面對議價能力高的品牌客戶,要如何持續降低成本及提高營運收入,其中面板廠的採購人員對於供應商的供應鏈管理將更顯重要。而LCD供應鏈中的關鍵零組件-背光模組本身,也由於材料眾多,亦自形成一個龐大的產業供應鏈。 本研究以個案研究方式,探討個案公司的背光模組採購人員,在現行的供應e化管理系統中,對供應商透過「物料需求規劃管理」讓原物料的出貨交期能貼近工廠的生產排程,確保物料供應無虞及大幅降低庫存及呆滯品的風險,但對於採購的前置議價及核價作業系統並無實際的支援。背光模組採購人員面對背光模組繁雜的相關零組件核價作業,在無系統並無提供儲存及快速運算的環境下,需耗費大量的時間與背光模組供應商進行BOM表的價格核對與處理。 本研究從中小尺寸背光模組採購人員對背光模組核價系統之需求出發,分析與設計一套背光模組核價系統,在資料庫方面經由實體關聯圖分析,再依步驟以Access關連式資料庫套裝軟體將資料庫建置完成,此系統可供採購人員核價作業之輔助工具及提供採購決策的相關資訊。


TFT LCD industry is growing along with the wide spread of tablets and smart mobile devices which are made with advanced technology but low price. The small and medium size LCD industry faces more difficult challenges when profit margin of the global TFT LCD industry gets less. When brand customers have strong power over prices negotiation; as a result, supply chain management is very important to the material buyers of LCD companies. Material cost reduction became one of LCD material buyers’ major issues. The backlight modules are assembled with many components and they are key components of LCD products; therefore, they integrate many material suppliers to form a big supply chain. This research is a case study of backlight module buyers in Company A. The material requirement planning (MRP) e-system has operated for planning on time schedule of material supply, reducing the inventory cost, and preventing obsolete materials. However, this system does not support routine operations of the buyers, such as material quotation checking functions. Therefore, buyers spent a lot of time to check the material prices with vendors without a computing system that can provide data storage and fast computation. In this case study, a backlight quotation system was designed for small and medium size LCD backlight modules buyers. The database model was analyzed with Entity-Relationship diagram and the Access software was used to implement the database system. This quotation management system can manage and calculate material prices of backlight modules, and also can provide essential information to buyers for making decisions of backlight modules purchasing strategy.


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