  • 學位論文

以體驗為導向之經營模式研究 —以主題式餐廳為例

A Study of Experience Oriented Business Model –An Example of Theme Restaurants

指導教授 : 顧志遠


經濟時代不斷的改變,已由服務經濟的時代轉變成為了以體驗為主的經濟時代,消 費者對於用餐的習慣也不斷的改變,也更加的挑剔,對於用餐的要求已不僅僅是餐廳經 營者所提供的餐點及服務,進而更加重視的是用餐的過程;因此除了經營者所提供的產 品及其產品中所附帶的服務之外,提供消費者體驗的用餐環境及體驗的感受,最後獲得 體驗的價值,這一連串的過程才是消費者所需要得到的,而且因為體驗的過程中往不僅 僅只有一種體驗的類型,所以往往包含了至少兩種以上的體驗元素,並且體驗是由內而 外的發展,因此經營者在餐廳設計上便需要具備至少兩種以上的體驗模組,並需要依所 要打造的體驗類型進行體驗模組的檢視,使主題式餐廳能夠符合客戶的需求,提供顧客 所需要的體驗感受及價值。 本研究以餐廳經營者的角度出發,研究探討經營者對於體驗導向的經營模式因子, 並透過主題式餐廳的個案研究來做深入的探討及分析,選擇的六家主題式餐廳,經由資 料的蒐集分析進行質性的研究,解析其所符合的體驗模組以及於經營模式中各項因子的 共同或差異之處,最後做出研究結論及建議,以提供餐廳經營者於餐廳經營上及其他服 務業的經營參考,使得不論是餐廳經營者或相關服務業的經營者皆能清楚了解經營的方 向,並掌握消費者需求,而創造利潤。 本研究選擇六家體驗式主題餐廳,以個案研究的方法探討其體驗模組及經營模式的 相同及相異之處,並獲得以下研究分析結果: 1.感官/行動體驗模組:客戶關係中強調獨特的用餐環境。 2.感官/關聯體驗模組:價值主張中強調保持良好的商譽,配銷通路中另有賣場的通路 作為銷售管道,客戶關係中以建置點餐系統及收入模式中增加冷凍食品的收入來源。 3.情感/行動體驗模組:目標顧客則為不同階層的消費族群,配銷通路則無分店的拓展, 客戶關係則以實際展示呈現收藏,關鍵活動則結合社區資源,核心能力則為獨特的收 藏。 4.情感/關聯體驗模組:客戶關係提供了高級的休閒設施。 5.思考/行動體驗模組:配銷通路增加了飛機頭等艙的餐點,客戶關係則提供了互 動式的餐點,收入模式中也同時增加了飛機餐點的收入。 6.思考/關聯體驗模組:目標顧客主要為家庭式及團體式消費族群為主,而客戶關 係則是以顧客表彰的方式來與顧客間進行互動。


The economy has been changing consistently. Also, the service economy is turning into the experiential service economy. Especially, consumers have been changing their dining habits and requiring a greater variety of experiences. The consumers demand not only the products provided and service by the restaurants, but also the process and experiences during the dining. Thus, restaurants should provide the basic food along with the associated services. Furthermore, restaurant management teams should deliver high-quality surroundings enabling customers to experience the value of their dining. In fact, a series of personalized experiences for the dining are what present-day customers’ desire. There is not only one exclusive type of dining experience from the personal-contact. The dining experience often should include more than two elements within the process. This experiential impact should be developed from internal to external senses. Hence, from beginning of designing the restaurants, these establishments should possess at least two types of experiential modules to conduct and align with the modules according to customers’ requirements. Therefore, managers must pay attention to customer demands and then provide customers a sense of experience and high quality in order to achieve a certain level of customer-required value. This research is focused on the restaurant manager’s point of view. Moreover, this analysis emphasized six individual theme-style restaurants with regard to the management of these restaurants via the direction of experiential patterns. The data were collected and analyzed to determine the similarities and differences of characteristics in experiential modules and management methods. Also, the research conclusions and suggestions are provided with management recommendations for restaurant managers and related service providers. Additionally, these propositions can help managers in the service industry to clearly understand their operation’s directions and grasp the consumer’s requirements in order to obtain greater profits. This research chose six individual theme experiential restaurants as case studies to analyze similarities and differences of characteristics in experiential modules and management methods. The results are described as following: 1. Sense and Action model: Focus on the uniqueness of dining atmosphere for the customers in the theme and experiential types of restaurants. 2. Sense and Relatel model:Emphasize on creating and maintaininga goodreputation.Distribution channelsinclude the retailer as part of the salespipeline. Improving the customer relationships through ordering system and increasing revenue streams along with frozen products. 3. Feel and Action model:Expand the different customer segments as the objective.This model also concentrates on distribution channels without developing new franchises. The relationship with the customers occurs through actual presentation of the services and products. Additionally, combining the community resources and being involved with the community activities to improve the visibility of the restaurants. The core competencies are collective of the services and products. 4. Feel and Relate model:Provide high-ranking leisure facilities to improve customer relationships. 5. Think and Action model:Add first class meals on aircrafts in the distribution channels. The interaction of ordering meals between the customers and the company is added to improve therelationship with customers. Therefore, the revenueis increased through these value-added services. III 6. Think and Relatel model:Focus on family and group customer segments as the market objective. The customer recognition methods and interaction with the customers are the key relationships with customers.


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