  • 學位論文


The Effects of Emotion on Retrieval-Induced Forgetting

指導教授 : 趙軒甫


提取引發遺忘(retrieval-induced forgetting, RIF)是一種提取記憶的過程導致相關訊息出現提取困難的現象。在典型的提取引發遺忘實驗中,參與者先在學習階段學習線索與目標的一系列不同類別的配對列表,每個配對列表中由一個類別線索與多個目標配對而成。學習結束便進入提取練習階段,從學習的配對列表之中抽取部分類別項目進行練習,這些項目稱為已練習類別之已練習項目(Rp+)。而與已練習類別之已練習項目配對相同類別線索的未練習項目稱為已練習類別之未練習項目(Rp-)。其他未練習的類別以及其配對項目則稱為未練習類別之未練習項目(Nrp)。練習結束後則進入測驗階段,參與者被要求對學習的所有項目進行回憶。此實驗的主要發現為已練習類別內的未練習項目(Rp-)回憶表現比未練習類別之未練習項目(Nrp)還差。這篇論文將探討情緒如何影響提取引發遺忘,實驗將分別在提取練習階段(實驗一)以及學習階段(實驗二)操弄情緒以進行研究。實驗一結果發現在提取練習階段操弄情緒,提取引發遺忘出現在正向情緒以及中性情緒時,負向情緒則沒有此現象。而實驗二結果發現在學習階段操弄情緒,提取引發遺忘出現在負向情緒時,正向情緒以及中性情緒沒有此現象。這些發現過去被討論是情緒使得記憶被整合,進而使得提取引發遺忘現象有所改變。


提取引發遺忘 情緒


Retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) is a phenomenon that the process of memory retrieval leads to difficulties in retrieving related information. In a typical experiment of RIF, there is a study phase for the participants to learn lists of cue-target pairs. In each list, a cue is paired with several targets. After the study phase, there is a practice phase for the participants to selectively recall some of the targets associated with the cues (Rp+). Remaining targets associated with the same cues are not practiced (Rp-). In addition, some cues (and all the targets associated with them) are not practiced (Nrp). Finally, there is a test phase for the participants to recall all the items learned in the study phase. The critical finding is that for the non-practiced targets associated with the practiced cues in the practice phase (Rp-), the memory performance is usually worse than the non-practiced targets associated with non-practiced cues (Nrp). In this thesis, I investigated the impact of emotion on RIF by manipulating participants’ mood in either the practice phase (Experiment 1) or the study phase (Experiment 2). The results of Experiment 1 demonstrated that when the mood was manipulated in the practice phase, people in the positive and neutral mood showed RIF and people in the negative mood did not. In contrast, the results of Experiment 2 demonstrated that when the mood was manipulated in the study phase, people in the negative mood showed RIF and people in the positive and neutral mood did not. These findings were discussed in terms of the impact of emotion on memory integration, and the effects of memory integration on RIF.


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