  • 學位論文


A Comparison With FIDIC Contract and Public Construction Contract In Taiwan-Focusing on The Warranty Conditions of Works

指導教授 : 姚志明


公共工程契約之生、老、病、死,即從機關標招公告開始,機關決標後雙方訂定公共工程契約,此時廠商應履行契約之責任,而機關有給付工程款之義務,工作物於驗收交付於機關後,廠商對於工作物負有一定期間之保固責任,嗣於保固期滿後,機關應返還保固金與廠商,此時工程契約之權利義務始終結,此一連串之法律行為,橫跨公法與私法,而其中保固條款之規定,係機關對於工作物之維護不可或缺之權利,亦係廠商對於工作物之完工擔保責任,有相當之重要性。 公共工程於完工後,廠商之保固責任應如何履行,是以公共工程契約之保固條款之規定為依據,惟實務上對於公共工程契約保固條款之解釋,經常產生歧異之見解,例如,保固條款是否等同於民法承攬契約之物之瑕疵擔保責任,抑或者係二者應屬不同之權利義務,其二者發生競合時,應如何適用,次者,保固期與民法承攬之瑕疵發現期間,二者之規定發生衝突時,應如何解釋,再者,保固保證金返還請求時效等相關爭議,應以何法規為依據,目前實務與學者之見解卻未有一致性之見解,而導致工程契約履行上,發生不少爭議。 本文就機關之公共工程採購契約範本之保固條款規定、法院判決見解以及學者之意見等整理並試著歸納分析,對於保固之定義、保固條款之性質與目的、保固期與承攬規定之衝突、保固保證制度之爭議見解、其他保固條款之性質與目的以及保固責任之可能抗辯等等,最後輔以國際工程實務上經常被使用之FIDIC契約條款為範例,與我國工程採購契約範本相比較,找出宜修正之方向,以利國內之工程實務契約上之修改與精進,減少工程爭議之發生。


The public construction contract is starting from the tender, when The Administrative orangs award the construction, The Contractor should be fulfill the responsibility of the contract, and The Administrative orangs has to pay Engineering section to The Contractor. As the The Administrative orangs accept the works, The Contractor will burden with the warranty of the contract in a considerable period of time. After warranty period expires, The Administrative orangs should be return the maintenance bond to The Contractor. At this time, the right and the oblingations of the contract will be end. This series of legal acts across public law and private law, not only the warranty conditions is important to maintain the works, but also it is important to The Contractor how to finish the defects liability. When the public construction is finished, The Contractor should fulfill the warrenty of the contract by Warranty Conditions. But The Court often occur the disagreement of the judgment for the warranty conditions of explanation. For example, whether the warranty conditions is equiralent to the civil law of contract? Or the both are different, so how to apply? And the warranty period conflicts with the civil law of contract, how to be applicate? The maintenance bond claim for return of the dispute should be base on law and regulations, but there is no concensus on The Court and The Academic, so resulting in contractual performance dispute. This article based on the warranty conditions of the public works contract、the judgment、the schoalar's opinion, and sort out with analysis that the warranty of definition、the warranty conditions of nature、the warranty conditions of purpose、the judgment of the warranty conditions dispute、others warranty conditions、the defense of defects liability. Finally the public works contract compare with FIDIC contract, and find the way to fix the public works contract of missing, reduce the dispute.


