  • 學位論文


An experimental research of the Problem-Based Learning on the Chinese Learning Motivation and Learning Achievement of Seventh-Grade Students

指導教授 : 簡志峰


摘要 本研究之目的在探討「問題本位學習」(Problem-Based Learning, [PBL])對國中七年級學生國文學習動機與學習成效之影響,並依據研究結果提出改進與建議,作為未來研究相關議題之參考。本研究採用準實驗設計之「不等的前測-後測控制組設計」,以桃園市某國中七年級兩個班級為研究對象,實驗組與控制組各34人,分別實施PBL與傳統教學法。本研究實驗為期四週,每週六堂課共計24堂課的實驗教學,所使用的研究工具主要為「學習動機量表」、「國文學習成就測驗」以及「半結構式晤談大綱」,量化分析採取的統計方法為獨立相依樣本t檢定、皮爾森積差相關分析、單因子共變數分析、肯德爾和諧系數分析、點二分析相關,質性分析則是將晤談內容與學習歷程進行內容分析。研究結果討論如下: 一、實施PBL學習模式的七年級學生與傳統教學模式下的同儕在國文科學習動機上沒有顯著差異,據研究者觀察,發現原因為學習者動機起點呈現高度一致,與先前教學模式之影響,在短時間內實施不同的教學方式,較難反映出其中的差異。唯有在環境誘因項目中,顯示受試者經過PBL學習法在環境誘因項目明顯有所差異,質化數據得出乃因教學方式的改變、上課氣氛的融洽與學習權在於學生的因素。 二、實施PBL學習模式的七年級學生與傳統教學模式下的同儕在國文科學習成效上沒有顯著差異,研究者提出實驗設計的因素限制,包括實驗樣本數與時間的受限、中介變項難以控制、易受先前教學模式的影響與測量工具的限制。唯發現接受PBL學習模式的學生在國文學習成效上有顯著差異,說明PBL學習模式對於學習成效上的進步程度仍具有正面影響。 三、實施PBL學習模式的經驗分享與相關研究之具體建議與應用上,大部分的學習者喜愛PBL學習模式,並能以發現問題嘗試解決問題為興趣,但在小組成員的參與度等合作技巧訓練需再多加強化,妥善規劃PBL學習流程與情境問題設定亦多須留意。建議未來相關研究在擴大樣本、長時間的教學活動,進行課程多樣、不同階段的實驗研究,以提供教育政策的改變。


Abstract This study aims to discuss the influence of Problem-Based Learning (PLB) on 7th graders’ Chinese learning motivation and learning achievement, providing improvements and proposals accordingly for future references of relevant studies. The method of quasi-experiment designed for “nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group” is adopted in the study, based on research objects from two classes in a southern Taoyuan City junior high school 7th grade. There were 34 participants each of experimental and control group for the implementation of PBL and traditional teaching method. This experiment was conducted for four weeks, 6 classes per week in total 24 classes experimental teaching, using research tools mainly for “Learning Motivation Scale,” “Chinese Learning Achievements Test,” and “Semi-Structured Interview Outline.” The quantitative analyses were independent sample t-test, Pearson correlation analysis, one-way ANOVA, Kendall's coefficient of concordance analysis and point-biserial correlation analysis; qualitative analysis for the the interview contents and learning process was content analysis approach. Research results are discussed as follows: 1. The 7th grade students and their peers between the implementation of PBL learning mode and traditional teaching mode have no significant difference in Chinese learning motivation. According to researcher’s observation, the reason was found that it was hard to reflect the difference between highly consistent starting points of learners’ motivations and the influence of the previous teaching mode, resulting from the implementation of different teaching mode in short time. It only showed that the participants in experimental group have significant higher scoring in the construct of environmental inducement after the implementation of PBL method. According to qualitative data, it was resulted from the change of teaching mode, harmony atmosphere in class and student’s learning right. 2. There was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group on Chinese learning achievement. Factors limited to experimental design proposed by the researcher include the small number of experimental samples and shortage of teaching periods, the difficulty on controlling intermediate variable, easily subject to the previous teaching mode and measuring tool. However, the experimental group has a significant difference in Chinese learning achievement, explaining that PBL learning mode has positive impact on the learning progress. 3. Regarding the implementation of experience sharing in PBL learning mode and specific suggestions and application for the relevant research, most learners like PBL learning mode and are interested in finding problems and trying to solve problems; however, group members’ degree of involvement and training of cooperative skills should be improved, and well planning of PBL learning process as well as setup of situated-problem be noticed. The future relevant studies are proposed to enlarge samples, long-term teaching activities, multiple curricula and an experimental research at different stages for providing the changes of educational policies.




