  • 學位論文


Exploring the relationship between meteorological patterns and concentration of fine particulate matter in Linkou, Taixi, and Mailiao stations

指導教授 : 王玉純


摘要 臺灣中南部以特定季節空污問題細懸浮微粒PM2.5污染最為嚴重,中南部地區於秋冬、春季時節細懸浮微粒PM2.5濃度,相較於北部濃度來的高出許多,冬春季出現霧霾天數的頻率高,從氣象的角度來分析,通常有霧霾時大氣狀況相較穩定,但缺點是大氣擴散條件不佳,容易使污染物聚累積,也因臺灣地理地形位置特殊相對的氣象條件也因季節變化就會有很大差異,現今臺灣許多地方的污染物排放量已處於臨界值或已超標,而這些狀況誠如上述所說與氣象綜觀條件有著非常密切的關係。因此,本研究目標為探索2013至2017年間林口、麥寮及台西空氣品質監測站細懸浮微粒(particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, PM2.5)濃度與氣象綜觀資料之關聯性,整合分析PM2.5高濃度事件之氣象特徵。 本研究收集行政院環保署空氣品質監測站,林口、麥寮及台西細懸浮微粒之逐時濃度數據值來對應中央氣象局氣象綜觀系統(依季節性),以進行高濃度事件日做關聯性探討,研究中分別以三個測站所測得濃度(高於35μg/m³)及(≧54μg/m³)作為高濃度事件日之定義,並據以統計分析,亦選取研究期間三站高污染物濃度事件日之六大個案做分析(個案皆為當日最大PM2.5污染物濃度≧54μg/m³危險日來分析),並探討各層氣象綜觀條件與高濃度值之關聯性。 評估結果發現傳輸型(東北季風及強烈東北季風型態)與滯留型(高壓出海迴流)系統,滯留型相較傳輸型天氣型態更易發生PM2.5高濃度事件日,在六大個案部分,分析各空層氣象綜觀條件探討結果後發現,當面臨高壓出海迴流系統時,顯著的逆溫現象伴隨著發生高濃度PM2.5之發生,因臺灣中南部空氣品質長期不佳,期透過本研究期望未來能結合綜觀氣象預報作業,發展出更即時有效的空污預警模式系統。 關鍵詞:細懸浮微粒PM2.5;氣象綜觀條件;大氣擴散條件;逆溫現象;傳輸型;滯留型


Abstract The high concentration of fine particulate matter (particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, PM2.5) was observed in Central and Southern Taiwan in winter, spring, and autumn that the atmospheric conditions are usually stable and the atmospheric diffusion conditions usually reinforcethe air pollutants accumulations. This study aims to analyzed the PM2.5 concentrations and evaluate the meteorological patterns in association with high concentrations, i.e.higher than 35μg/m³ and equal to and higher than 54μg/m³, in Linkou, Taixi, and Mailiao stations from 2013 to 2017. This study obtained the hourly data of the Air Quality Monitoring Station from Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan and wether data and figures from Central Weather Bureau. The weather patterns for high-concentration event days (concentration of PM2.5 >35μg/m3 or ≧54μg/m3) were analyzed, moreover, six serious polluted cases were particularly explored the various meteorologicalconditions associated with high concentrations. This study found that the transmission type (Northeast monsoon and strong northeast monsoon pattern) and the retention type (high pressure sea return) system are more prone to PM2.5 high concentration event days than the transmission weather pattern. After reviewing the results of the meteorological meteorological conditions, it was found that high concentration of PM2.5 accompanied by significant inversion as weather pattern is high-pressure sea return system. Key words: PM2.5;atmospheric diffusion conditions;inversion;transmission type;retention type


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