  • 學位論文

以方法目的鏈探討Lounge Bar之體驗價值

Using Means-End Chain to Exploration the Experiential Value of Lounge Bar

指導教授 : 張德儀


隨著大眾生活水準提高,消費者對於生活物價敏感度逐漸改變,包含參與消費體驗後所獲得之效益、心靈收獲、休閒意義與消費衡量水準等。基於都市化與體驗模式的改變,許多酒吧紛紛竄起。而酒吧除了將餐點口味視為基本需求外,更需要重視酒吧塑造之元素、文化、空間、軟硬體的服務設計,營造整體感與一致性的氣氛,使顧客可以享受、體驗這種獨特用餐氛圍(王明元、陳惠貞,2009)。本研究藉由瞭解酒吧顧客消費特性與現況,經由方法目的鏈分析餐廳顧客消費型態,探討顧客選擇酒吧之屬性、結果與價值。同時運用階梯式深度訪談技巧,透過對於主題餐廳之「屬性」、「結果」與「價值」之鏈結,釐清顧客對於酒吧之體驗價值。並且使用「體驗屬性」、「體驗結果」與「體驗價值」作為本研究分類之分類依據。首先,本研究回顧國內外相關體驗價值與主題餐廳之相關文獻,其次擬定針對Lounge Bar之顧客進行階梯式深度訪談,依據訪談結果歸類體驗價值,繪製價值蘊含矩陣,進而發展價值階層圖。能清楚得知顧客的體驗屬性、顧客期望獲得之利益之體驗結果與終極消費體驗價值。 本研究結果Lounge Bar之屬性類目包含裝潢、設備、酒類等14項;體驗結果則包含悠閒自在、溫暖親切、舒適性、新奇感等共計11項;體驗結果類目則包含社交活動、安全感、歸屬感、心胸開闊、消費慾望、嘗鮮感、心情亢奮、優越感、身歷其境及物超所值等10項體驗價值。經由各類型酒吧受訪結果分析得知,所有受訪者結對於社交活動與心胸開闊有直接影響,研究發現樂團型酒吧受訪者,重視音樂跟場域所帶來的歡愉進而心胸開闊;純酒吧型受訪者,注重於服務當下與環境是否舒適產生心胸開闊等價值;綜合型酒吧核心價值為與朋友間互動及場域適合聊天之元素,研究分別針對不同類型酒吧,於體驗元素上個別之建議,吸引不同類型之消費者。


With the increasing of public living standard, the sensibility of consumers to the price of goods has gradually changed. Except for the price, the consumers also care about that they get after experiencing afterwards, such as benefits, fulfillment, entertainments, consumption standard and so on. Besides, due to urbanization and the changes in Experience model, Lounge Bar have been one of the prosperous businesses recently. The purpose of this research is to understand consumer characteristics, shopping intention and development of restaurant industries. Via Means-End Chain to analyzing consumer intention and discover the attributes, consequence and values of Lounge Bar. Than using laddering deep interview understanding Lounge Bar value of consumer. First of all, this study will review the literatures of overseas and domestic experiential value with theme restaurants, followed by data collection via interview with customers of Lounge Bar, and classify these experiential values in accordance with interview results. About the study method, Means-End Chain method is used to discuss the experiential values of Lounge Bar to obtain more consumer attributes, the benefits that customer expected and the ultimate consumer value, Means-End Chain is the only way to learn the chain relationship of consumer factors. About the Lounge Bar, it comprises decor, equipment, alcohol and so on. Its experience feeling outcome includes leisure, warm and cordial, comfort, novelty and so on. Its experience value outcome includes social activities, security, belonging, open-minded, and so on. Arranging any kind of the bar’s interviewee’s information, the experience of lounge bar makes the direct effect to all of the interviewees in the social activities and the open-minded. The study also discovers that the band’s bar’s interviewees focus the happiness with the music and the space. The pure bar’s interviewees focus the value of service and the comfort of environment. The integrated bar’s interviewees focus the interactive with friends. The study adjusts the factor of any kind of bar’s experience attracting different consumers.


