  • 學位論文

高職餐旅群建教班學生 職場性別歧視、工作壓力與職涯發展之研究

A Study of the Workplace Gender Discrimination, Job Stress and Career Development of the Cooperative Education Students in the Hospitality Department of Vocational High Schools

指導教授 : 杜宜展


本研究旨在探討高職餐旅群建教班學生職場性別歧視、工作壓力與職涯發展之關係。本研究以「職場性別歧視量表」、「工作壓力量表」、「職涯發展量表」為研究工具,以立意取樣方式調查台灣北部、中部、南部地區六所高職餐旅群學生共400位,資料蒐集後以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析法、多元迴歸分析進行資料處理。 得到以下結論: 一、職場性別歧視感受之程度,會因為科別為餐飲管理科、性別為男生以及就讀年級為高三對職場性別歧視,有較深的知覺。 二、工作壓力感受之程度,會因為科別為餐飲管理科、性別為男生以及就讀年級為高三對工作壓力,有較深的知覺。 三、高職餐旅群建教班學生職場性別歧視、工作壓力有效預測職涯發展。 根據以上結論給予建議: (一)學校的建議:建立一個公平建教班實習生招募標準、著重男女平等性騷擾防治標準、將兩性平等課程納入建教班課程、調查餐旅群建教合作班校外實習工作負荷、建教班專任教師的輔導。 (二)業界的建議:均一升遷訓練標準、均衡的工作負荷、薪資制度穩定。 (三)未來研究建議:增加背景變項、質性訪談。


This research aims to explore the vocational high school of the internship from students’, gender discrimination, job stress and career development. By using three research tools, “Workplace Gender Discrimination Scale”, “Job Stress Scale” and“Career Development Scale”, the researcher applied purposive sampling to the hospitality program students from six vocational high schools located at northern, central and southern Taiwan. A total of 400 samples were valid. The data collected was analyzed by T-Test, One-way ANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results are as following: 1.The third year male students of the rotary cooperative education program in the department of food , beverage management and salary of NT$10000 paid sensed more toward the sexual discrination in the work places. 2.The third year male students of the rotary cooperative education program in the department of food and beverage management suffered more work pressure. 3.Career development could be effectively predicted by the sexual discrimination in the work places and work pressure among students of the rotary cooperative education program in the department of food and beverage management of vocational high schools. Finally, according to the results, suggestions for school and industries were proposed.


