  • 學位論文


A Related Study on the NKUHT Foreign Students’ Studying Motivation and Learning Satisfaction with Career Develop Mental Intention

指導教授 : 陳淑娟


本研究目的係針對僑外生之來台就讀動機、學習滿意度與職涯發展意向作深入探究,並同時研究其就讀動機、學習滿意度與職涯發展意向之間的關係,以提供給學校相關單位,作為輔導僑外生及推動高等教育國際化之參考。本研究方法主要以量化為主、質化為輔,其中量化係以問卷調查法普查就讀國立高雄餐旅大學162位僑外生,計回收141份問卷,回收率達87%,其中有效問卷為133份,可用率為94%;質化部份則採半結構性訪談研究法,以立意抽樣法選取9名僑外學生作為訪談對象,並使用主題分析法進行逐字稿之分析。本研究分別經過量化統計分析、質化逐字稿分析,與量化與質化分析結果之比對後,提出本研究之結論與建議,主要包括:(1) 僑外生之就讀動機受到內在動機與外在動機所影響;(2)僑生與外籍生之就讀動機明顯高於港澳生;(3)僑外生對學習整體感到滿意;(4)僑生與外籍生對行政與輔導之滿意度明顯高於港澳生;(5)僑外生職涯發意向偏向往他國發展或回母國發展;(6)僑外生對繼續升學之意願不高;(7)僑外生就讀動機愈高,其學習滿意度愈高;(8)僑外生學習滿意度愈高,其職涯發展意向愈多元;(9)僑外生愈受外在就讀動機影響,其留台發展意向愈強;。本研究依據研究結果提出乙項「僑外生就讀動機、學習滿意度與職涯發展意向之相關模式圖(圖5-1),以供後續研究之參考。


The purpose of this study is to examine the learning motivation and satisfaction with career of the foreign students in Taiwan, and to find the relationships among these factors. The results of this study might provide some suggestions to school administrative staff for exceuting the internationalization of higher education. The quantitative and research methods are conducted in this study qualitative. This study conducts questionnaire survey and has collected 141 valid questionnaires from the 162 foreign students of National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism. The recovery rate of the questionnaires is 87% and availability rate is 94% among the collected questionnaires.This study also conducts semi-structured interviews to 9 foreign students, and the contents of the interview are recorded and converted to the transcripts. After the proceeding of quantitative statistical analysis, and qualitative transcripts analysis, the important research findings and recommendations of this study are provided as following: 1) The studying motivation of foreign students are effected by both of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. 2) The studying motivation of foreign students is significantly higher than Hong Kong or Macau students. 3) Foreign students are overall satisfactied with learning factors. 4) Overseas Taiwan students and foreign students in the satisfaction of administrative and counseling factors are significantly higher than Hong Kong or Macau students. 5) The career develop mental intention of foreign students is tending to leave Taiwan or go back to their home countries ateer gradu ation. 6) The willingness for higer continued education of foreign students is not high. 7) To foreign students, the higher studying motivation they have the stronger learning satisfaction they get. 8) To foreign students, the higher teaching satisfaction, the more diverse to their career develop mental intention intentions. 9) To foreign students, the more affected by external ified learning satisfaction, is the stronger intention to leave Taiwan for career development.


